Wrong Way Go Back


Tue Oct 15 00:03:40 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
:) I escaped too!

Sat Dec 7 12:42:22 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
Finally completed this!

Thu Dec 19 21:10:59 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
weird but funny!

Sun Dec 22 03:58:12 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Nice doggy!
Sit, bobo, sit.
Good dog.

Sun Dec 22 04:12:57 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Trapped next to engineering to a short, but very hot death!

Sun Dec 22 04:18:41 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Hi mommy! Remember me???

Sun Dec 22 04:27:22 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Found another ship! But then it got really hot, again...

Sun Dec 22 05:01:22 2013
Star - optimum ending reached

With the hints on the blog I made it through!


Gotta find this planet...

Rudlin The Elf
Fri Jan 10 21:16:06 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Just beat it!

Fri Mar 14 17:44:18 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Very, very funny. I really enjoyed reading this one through.

Sun May 25 00:04:14 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I personally feel although this work is rather funny it's also an utter disgrace. I mean even by reading the pdf version it;s almost impossible to figure out how to complete this adventure. You have to guess at certain things and pick up on luck, it's almost impossible to avoid being fried after you re program the bot. It's insane. I hope your other sequels aren't like this.

Mon Aug 11 03:53:54 2014
Okay, that sucked. I guess I have to search more in the club, as I found the screwdriver but no battery. Plus I didn't beat the soldier.

Sun Sep 28 21:53:47 2014
This is just one of the many details that I love of this series:

A Beginner’s Guide to Programming and
Troubleshooting Common-class Androids,
Robots and Interfaces

By B. Sukumvit

Ellis Dee - UK
Mon Dec 8 12:44:29 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Very fun!

Tue Jul 21 23:23:22 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Funny script! I'm planning on getting 'charming' myself this weekend lol

Rob Smith
Wed Jul 22 13:10:23 2015
Have completed this after repeated attempts. I tried again to be sure, but it didn't work the next time. I find that it seems arbitrary whether one can kill the guard before he blasts you. That is one of the critical factors. As a result, I restart every time until skill is 10 (maximum) before the game even begins. Even then, the next problem I find is that the battery in the locker is incompatible. I am wondering if this is a variable factor, but I can't find any hint pertaining to the selection of 3v, 6v, or 12v like with the floor tell as given by computer at the start. Also, there is a mistake in the script here because the script offers '3v, 9v, or 12v' but the actual menu options offer 6v instead of 9v.

I find myself torn between the brilliantly written clean humour in this tale, and the clunky algorithms which ultimately ruin smooth playability.

Wed Jul 22 20:02:38 2015
Welcome to the brilliant genious mixed with hardness of Wrong way go back!

Dirk Caine
Tue Jul 28 15:42:12 2015
Randomizing locations is a cheap way to artificially increase difficulty.

Sun Sep 13 02:53:35 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i did the stuff to the robot, it helped me , but how do i get on the ship faster?

Sun Sep 13 03:17:06 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
i did it!! next stop planet of the spiders

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