The Diamond Key |
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Stinger Sat Dec 1 13:42:24 2007 |
I just wanted to say I think the Diamond Key is an awsome book Ulysses. And I surely can't wait to work my way to the correct ending. I really love the length of this book, most of them seem to end too soon. And the depth that this book has is totally amazing, and needs to be applauded. Congrats for authoring such an incredible example of a well written gamebook! I'll be playing this one for weeks to come, whenever I get some spare time. Thank you!!! |
Ulysses Ai Sun Dec 9 13:47:01 2007 |
Hi everyone. Another challenge for those who are interested: Find The Big White Elephant Originally, I thought this section had been removed, but it is there and is a path to one of the 6 successful endings. |
JOrdan Fri Dec 21 01:31:22 2007 |
What is the specific order of the gems in the serpent people's realm? You said previously that its all in the text, but I haven't found it, or a clue to it yet. Any help? |
Mat Fri Dec 21 10:12:36 2007 |
I absolutely love your gamebook Ulysses Ai. To me it seems even better than most of the professional ones. |
Mat Fri Dec 21 10:15:34 2007 |
Scratch that last comment, its the best ff I've ever read period. |
Ulysses Ai Fri Dec 21 23:28:02 2007 |
Hi everyone. Thanks for the positive comments. Jordan:
Mat: Thanks for your generous comments. I think a big difference here is that the original FF books were written for children or young teenagers, whereas I am writing for adults. For example, I loved Deathtrap Dungeon when I was 12. At that time, a random series of puzzles and monsters was all I needed. Reading it again recently, let's just say I was very unimpressed. I personally need a good, or at least realistic plot to sustain my interest in working through the challenges in a gamebook. Otherwise, it seems rather pointless. |
Ulysses Ai Fri Dec 21 23:30:55 2007 |
I also think that children shouldn't be written down to. I think kids can appreciate a good plot as well. |
Jordan Tue Dec 25 19:58:53 2007 |
Help? Suggestions? |
Ulysses Ai Tue Dec 25 21:56:20 2007 |
Serpent people, the Agreement, and Joining:
None of this has anything to do with reaching the ending in 1000. I gave away big clues in earlier posts. |
Ulysses Ai Wed Dec 26 23:07:14 2007 |
FYI: The 6 endings, which are all possible, are:
Jordan Thu Dec 27 21:29:27 2007 |
Is something wrong with the diamond key? It's not up on the list of gamebooks anymore. Also Ulysses, can I have just a few more hints as to the ening of 1000? I haven't figured it out, and oubt I ever will. |
Ulysses Ai Fri Dec 28 12:21:47 2007 |
A clue for getting to reference 1000 in The Diamond Key:
I am reluctant to post a complete solution since I have found, with myself at least, that if it is there, I will look at it. Maybe I lack self discipline. Anyway, let me know if you want further clues. |
Jordan Fri Dec 28 15:16:26 2007 |
Ulysses, Thanks for the clue. Just one more question.
Shadow Dragon Fri Dec 28 21:38:03 2007 |
Jordan Sat Dec 29 17:01:45 2007 |
Thanks. |
When it comes to spoilers, the text to be hidden needs to be between the [S] and the [/S]. |
Ulysses Ai Sat Dec 29 23:41:28 2007 |
Hi Jordan
Shadow Dragon Sun Dec 30 01:32:05 2007 |
Wow, 8 items huh? Did they all have some use? Or did you pick for the online version the 3 that had the most usefulness. Just curious since I don't really feel like digging through the text version to find out what they all are. |
Ulysses Ai Sun Dec 30 10:27:16 2007 |
I can't remember exactly. The others were duplicates of other items such as rings of SKILL, LUCK and STAMINA, or one could have been a box of potions. There was nothing new and exciting cut out. |
CT Tue Apr 15 02:26:40 2008 |
The Diamond Key is very well written. Kudos, and thanks for a little memory reliving. |
Stuart Lloyd Wed May 28 16:21:49 2008 |
Hi, just finally got to 1000 on the diamond key. Brilliant book. Kept me occupied for ages. |
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