The Diamond Key |
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Scott Tue Jun 17 04:50:46 2008 |
I just completed the diamond key...Awesome writing! REALLY confused about the ending though...
Ulysses Ai Wed Jun 18 11:31:07 2008 |
Scott: Opps. I forgot that:
duffmeister Sat Jun 21 14:02:46 2008 |
Ullyses Ai, very confused is the state in which my spiritual form finds itself. Who or what is the 'Big White Elephant'? |
duffmeister Sun Jun 22 09:31:28 2008 |
I heard of the White Elephant and want to find it to discover who/what it is. |
Ulysses Ai Sun Jun 22 10:31:19 2008 |
The Big White Elephant:
Jordan Wed Aug 6 19:57:33 2008 |
How do you get the lockpicks back in the Diamond Key? |
A Wed Aug 6 20:42:59 2008 |
At the market |
Ulysses Ai Wed Aug 6 22:39:39 2008 |
Jordan: How do you get the lockpicks BACK, after having possessed them before you encountered Darken Wood?
Kee Wed Aug 27 12:40:16 2008 |
I'm currently playing The Diamond Key, could someone tell me any ways I could beat....
Kee Wed Aug 27 12:59:25 2008 |
ok, never mind, i found the...
Ulysses Ai Wed Aug 27 23:36:40 2008 |
Kee Thu Aug 28 02:28:19 2008 |
Oh......ok, thanks Ulysses |
Sharpe Wed Mar 18 06:34:20 2009 |
Me again! *blush* Playing The Diamond Key on paragraph 1069, I won four contests in a row, but did only 1 point of damage for the first win. Of course, I died. I looked over and it said "Weapon None," though I had a knife and a Dwarven Warhammer. Perhaps another bug? Thanks! |
This one isn't a bug, though I admit it could be clearer. The "Weapon" box shows your currently selected weapon, and if it says None you are deemed to be fighting unarmed, even though you might be carrying one or more weapons. To select a weapon you highlight it in the list of possessions and click on USE. |
Wes Wed May 20 18:33:31 2009 |
Hey Ulysses. I've been playing The Diamond Key, and it's got to rank as one of my best FF reads ever. Kudos. Question. I am trying to get to the reference 1000 ending, but am getting stuck somewhere.
Ulysses Wed May 20 22:49:12 2009 |
Hi Wes. Good to hear someone is playing tDK. A clue:
binki Tue Aug 11 09:22:22 2009 |
2:Ulysses Hi! Replaying Diamond Key I have noticed that weapon's damage bonuses differ from those in MS-Word file. For example, it looks like dagger now has Damage bonus 1 instead of 2 and GRIFFIN SOLDIER has weapon with Damage bonus 3 instead of 6. Have you changed statistics for equipment? If so, can I have a look on updated version? |
Ulysses Tue Aug 11 15:11:38 2009 |
Hi binki. The values for weapons were modified, but those that appear now in the online version are the final values. If you really want the list of values for some reason I can post them here, but not tonight because it's already tomorrow morning. |
binki Tue Aug 11 15:40:17 2009 |
Hi Ulysses. I wanted to see your version of damage and armor bonuses as an example of game balance. The Diamond key impressed me much. I even tried to play it with a couple of friends - and we came to conclusion that armor wasn't really worth buying. But playing online version I died couple of times fighting Griffon guards with dagger - and found that armor was improved. Are you planning of making final version of Diamond Key available for downloading and offline playing? :) |
Ulysses Wed Aug 12 09:26:43 2009 |
Binki: The modified values are: Weapon Class (SP) Weapon Damage Bonus Heavy (-3): Battleaxe, 8 Mace, 7 Hammer, 6 Blade (-2): Broadsword, 6 Longsword, 5 Shortsword, 4 Shaft (-1): Trident (inc Silver Trident), 4 Spear, 3 Staff*, 2 Close Range (0): Hatchet*, 2 Dagger, 1 Cudgel*, 0 * Not appearing in this adventure. Magic/Special Weapons Skill Penalty Damage Bonus Firesword, -2, 10 Crow Spear , 0 (triples SKILL), 10 Hell Axe, -1, 8 Dwarven Warhammer, -2 , 8 Holy Broadsword, -2, 7 (+3 against demons and undead) Fine Sword, -2, 8 Sorry about the lack of formatting. Hope that's clear. |
binki Wed Aug 12 15:39:24 2009 |
Hi. Thank you very much, this makes visits to market more simple. :) |
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