The Diamond Key |
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020482742 Thu Mar 24 13:09:26 2016 |
Good game, but lacks time, and some choices. |
Vítor Tue Apr 5 19:42:26 2016 |
First time I tried one of these an... IT'S AWESOME! I really like how you feel that you are in the story. Fantastic! |
sketchy gonzales Thu Apr 14 23:27:43 2016 |
walker Mon May 2 03:38:45 2016 |
I can't kill Gilmore. Ugh. |
John Dow Thu Oct 13 11:10:58 2016 |
Really hard...
Alexander Al Mon Nov 14 16:30:23 2016 |
I found a bug. The battle in the Paragraph 183 (the battle with the Town Guards) is not working. The stats of the Town Guards are displayed, but absolutely no options are present, so it is not possible to proceed further. |
Fixed, thanks for pointing it out. |
Alexander Al Wed Nov 16 11:26:19 2016 |
I found another bug. In the Paragraph 404 the option "Make another attempt" incorrectly leads to the Paragraph 414, which is describing different situation that has no relation to the contents of the Paragraph 404. |
Alexander Al Fri Nov 18 10:40:23 2016 |
I have checked myself the downloadable text version of “The Diamond Key” gamebook and found out that the "Make another attempt" option in the Paragraph 404 actually should lead to the Paragraph 413 instead of the Paragraph 414. Please, correct this error in the online version. |
Alexander Al Fri Nov 18 11:09:43 2016 |
I found the error in the Paragraph 765 of the online version. The text says: “Your initial SKILL has been increased by two points, but your initial LUCK has been reduced by two points”, but the actual outcome is opposite – the initial SKILL is decreased by two points and the initial LUCK is increased by two points. The actual effect matches the effect that is described in the downloadable text version of the gamebook, so in the online version the error is in the text, not in the actual outcome. |
b Sat May 20 13:53:15 2017 |
I've reached the end. I'm declaring that a victory. Great game play. I normally don't like games that are hard to map and with less travel based decisions, but this is good. Having a standard weapon accessible the entire time (I'm not sure how I lost the dagger) would be useful. There is a typo in 1057, I believe, where pray is written as prey. I also like more insta-deaths, but that's just me. Otherwise, really great. Good decisions and plot development. I'll be back eventually to find the true ending. Grade: 99 |
Anonymous Thu Oct 12 19:01:34 2017 |
Complete? |
Done Thu Oct 12 19:14:32 2017 |
Done! |
Rogue1 Fri Oct 13 19:00:59 2017 |
:( Fri Nov 10 15:02:08 2017 |
died. again. and again. :( |
MEOW Mon Nov 27 21:50:27 2017 |
Guys is there a walkthrough for this game for the best ending? I played it a million times but only kill the king etc! Thanks! |
Ulysses Wed Nov 29 08:58:41 2017 |
I think I had a walkthrough at some point, but I can't find it now, and I don't remember the solution. I wrote it 10 years ago! I seem to recall that all the endings are possible from the moment you enter the palace at the end. You basically need to find alternatives to killing the king, and if you search the palace enough, you should find solutions. One I half remember is as follows:
Good luck. |
Grettir Fri Mar 23 08:05:10 2018 |
Slightly anticlimactic ending - the object in the end turned out to be political assassination and rescue with the diamond key completely forgotten. Howevr, a lot of rich material and some excellent system tweaks. A bit wordy sometimes but on balance recommended. |
Fra Wed Apr 4 23:18:41 2018 |
Epic tale, not sure how different journey could be with other choices. Will definately play again |
bob Fri May 25 13:37:29 2018 |
yet another outstanding piece of work. i love the storyline and the way the interactions go. plenty of world on this adventure to see |
Finlay Tayler Thu Sep 27 09:19:53 2018 |
goddam police... |
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