

Sun Apr 19 18:04:06 2009
ahh much better completed the hellfire gamebook thanx for the spoiler got to the ship with the gangees and got killed by some sirens

Fri Jun 12 14:01:36 2009
Stumbled across this website and I have to say, it's fantastic. Used to love the FF books when I was a kid. I'm playing Hellfire now and I'm a bit stuck.


Sat Jun 27 04:00:09 2009
Ah, nice to come back to this site and play "Hellfire". The same old chestnut still applies, however, being that you need maxed out stats (SK: 12; ST: 20 + and the all-important L: 12) to survive the constant tests. Still, it is fun.

I have an idea for a story and would happily write it if someone can transpose it into computer format.

Tue Jul 14 01:55:15 2009
Ash, hope you nailed "Hellfire". Sounds like you got stuck at that section where several spells are needed in swift succession to get through the adventure. I enjoyed it, but had some issues:


Anyway, just my thoughts.

Fri Aug 21 11:21:17 2009
I have recently found this site and have had a go at all the games on it and am now hooked. I am now working through the list and am stuck on hellfire. The furthest I get is to a door that requires a password which i paid for but doesn't work on the door. am i doing something wrong or is this the wrong door/password, or are there more doors than one that need a password.
A seperate question, I keep collecting a lot of random objects, my assumption is that these can be used on various monsters, firstly is this assumption correct, and secondly is there a way of knowing what to use on who or is it a matter of guess work.
Sorry for a long post. I am very impressed with this site and the work put into it. Keep it up.

Phil Sadler
Fri Aug 28 21:41:50 2009
"stuck on hellfire. The furthest I get is to a door that requires a password "


Tue Mar 30 11:32:42 2010
OK... I just spent 20 minutes looking through the 1,736 posts in the Guestbook.

I can't find a clear answer to what to do when you encounter the Acid River.

There's apparently some Rusty Gauntlets and a Reveal Spell I have to acquire. (And you don't use the Time spell yet, you apparently use it later when you encounter a Shadow Hunter or something.) And the dead end relevant to this issue is the "wild goose chase" associated with the number 278, right? So do you use Reveal Spell at the Dead End?

How do you get the Reveal Spell?

Are there other things I have to do? I don't want to play more of this, only to realize that there's a bunch of other stuff that I missed and will have to start all over to get.

This game could be fun, but it's becoming extremely tedious instead.

Thu Apr 1 00:14:45 2010
I just looked back at my earlier comment and noticed that I didn't even mention that I was talking about the game Hellfire.

Still haven't solved that problem. I need a Reveal Invisible spell so I can use an Open Door spell at that dead end near the acid river, right? But where do I get Reveal Invisible?

The paper-form gamebook for Hellfire available at http://www.ffproject.com/download/HELLFIRE.DOC has you discovering the Reveal Invisible spell at 21. But a search turns up no page telling you to turn to 21.

How do you get the Reveal Invisible spell?

Thu Apr 1 05:37:29 2010
All right, I guess I found the Reveal Invisible spell.


Thu Apr 1 07:40:05 2010
I just beat Hellfire, I think.

But I have a question about the ending:


Thu Apr 1 13:23:38 2010

That's the 'successful' ending. See Riders of the Stom for the continuation of the story.

Sat Aug 7 15:53:05 2010
Wow, it took some doing, but I completed Hellfire and its sequel Riders of the Storm! (And not without pouring over this guestbook for a few hints I might add!) I'd really like to take this opportunity to thank you, Mr. Phil Sadler, for creating a couple of works that greatly decreased the amount of stress I took home from my work by virtue of your enmeshing me in your imagination, prose and craftsmanship. It's been stated a few times before in this guestbook but I feel it bears repeating.. creating a fighting fantasy story can't be easy and, even then, it's purveyed to relatively few people. Yet, you poured alot of heart and soul into the endeavours, and for that you get a nice warm smile from me.

If you should read this, I have just a couple of questions and comments for you.

Regarding ROTS..


Regarding Hellfire:


All in all, a very engaging few weeks. Thanks, again!

Phil Sadler
Sat Aug 7 18:26:47 2010
Thanks for the very nice compliments Clive!

As for your ROTS queries:


As for the Trinitour, well ... I have no real excuses :-(

As for Hellfire - there is no clue to the girl's riddle and I realise now that it's one of the book's flaws. As for the inclusion of all of the red herrings, that's just me being evil.

Glad you liked the books because not everyone does ;-)

Thu Aug 12 09:40:23 2010
Thanks for the reply, Phil!

Regarding my ROTS query (the fairies) I probably should have mapped out every possible scenario before asking you the question I did. As I'm sure you know, however, once one discovers what feels like the true path, one is hesitant to go exploring all the potential dead-ends.. especially when there is potentially much, much more in the game to contend with! :)

Regarding the Trinitour in Riders of the Storm:


Like I said, difficult.. yes. Rip-your-hair-out at times.. yes. Ultimately satisifying.. a resounding Yes!

You got quite a few repeat reads from me and, let's face it, at the root of it all, isn't that what every writer wants? I think your stories warranted it.

And, last but not least.. (and I'll try to be brief here if anyone's still reading my overly verbacious post)..

I bought a PS3 about a year ago. It's still in the box. I was thinking about bringing it out and giving it a go a few days before I discovered this site. Thanks to this site (and specifically Phil's and Gaetano's stories), it's still sitting in that box. I think, in this day and age, that says something. You deserve a high amount of credit.. and by virtue of that, many other writers at this site are guaranteed to have their works looked at by me.

Thanks again!

Tue Aug 24 21:43:07 2010
Hi, love the site and all of the gamebooks here!

I have a quick question about a difference between the online version of Hellfire versus the original Word document:


It sounds like a mistake on my part. I will look into it.

Thu Dec 22 07:49:30 2011
Hi guys, I'm currently playing Hellfire and am stuck. I need your advice.



Phil Sadler
Thu Dec 22 10:37:12 2011
Well I just looked at my map and read my notes and:


Sat Dec 31 00:05:52 2011
I'm stuck at the place Darren mentioned and i'm sure i've tried every option. are there any required items etc?

Sat Dec 31 00:29:43 2011
I'm stuck at the place Darren mentioned and i'm sure i've tried every option. are there any required items etc?

Sat Dec 31 01:19:13 2011
Forget the last post, now stuck somewhere else:


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