In The Footsteps Of A Hero


Tue Dec 23 19:31:53 2008
In The Footsteps Of A Hero

The final addition of the year is Victor Cheng's short adventure set in Port Blacksand.

Ulysses Ai
Wed Dec 24 10:31:10 2008
In In the Footsteps of a Hero I found the following bug:

I've fixed this now, thanks for pointing it out.

Wed Dec 24 17:46:07 2008
Finished 'In the Footsteps of a Hero'. Fantastic! I love the idea of a hero's origins traced to the very beginning. Can a sequel be hoped for?

Thu Oct 17 23:22:19 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
this was fun

Sun Dec 1 20:47:16 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
Interesting enough, I manage to finish without even knowing what's going on.

It does appears that you need high stats tho

Wed Dec 4 00:25:05 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
It should be so nice to play to the next adventure with Valiencis Monrowan... The story and the game were wonderful but of course too short. The writing is brilliant and the narrative is thrilling and often original. That was my first free gamebook online (and also my first english gamebook for I'm not an english native speaker) and it was really great. One of the top of the gamebooks I played even compare to the greatest of FF. Thanks very much to the author. It was published online 5 years ago but I hope I could read more from him...
Well, that was a nice message. I hope Victor Cheng reads it.

He isn't very prolific. I only know of one other gamebook that he's written, a short one called Kill The Beast, he was also a contributor to a full-length gamebook called From The Shadows. Both are on the downloads page of this site.

Kill The Beast can be played online at

Fri Dec 13 23:31:57 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
Random chance a game does not make.

Wed Dec 18 11:06:26 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
great game.
Love port blacksand

Tue Dec 24 13:40:55 2013
howdo you finish this?

Wed Jan 15 05:01:48 2014
This "game" is bullshit. Half of the time you have no warning that you are going the wrong path, and so begins a horrendous game of trial and error that pretty much always ends with you dying or otherwise losing way in the beginning just because you pretty much need fucking perfect stats.
I would always disregard the views of anyone who used 'bullshit' in this context. On the plus side, normally this kind of message comes peppered with gibberish and the occasional bonus racial insult, so it's nice to see one that has properly constructed sentences at least.

Robert Douglas
Tue Jan 21 22:35:14 2014
In an odd sort of sense, I understand the frustration of it being impossible to complete an adventure on low stats, or the gameplay lacking that balance of difficulty, or the player can't earn/pick up some hint of dangers ahead. When FF editor Marc Gascoigne altered the Mudworm's skill to 12 (The Crimson Tide), it annoyed author Paul Mason as the Hero was a youth inexperienced in combat. Marc had forgotten all about this factor! A bit annoying for the gamer - who then simply shrugs and 'skips' past an editorial blip. Indeed, fans have criticized - and raised a fair point - about my own adventures being pitted with too many die rolls. However, I must stress the need for a certain decorum and constructive opinions when making a point about an amateur gamebook that has taken the author hours and effort to write, not to mention they receive no financial profit whatsoever for the adventures posted on FF Project. I get a little embarrassed about swearing - unless it's a character's dialogue, and only then in adult fiction, not a site visited and enjoyed by respectable fans of all ages.

Fri Feb 28 21:27:26 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Ending too random and unexpected. No chance to take another (Sensible, non-Cowwardly) way...
What you seem to be expecting is a gamebook where success is guaranteed, regardless of the choices you make. Those are just called books.

Mon Mar 31 13:13:16 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
can you continue even if you fail the luck test with monoro?

Fri Apr 4 08:50:21 2014
Am really enjoying this.
But, I am trying to use 'Monro's sword' and it appears to revert back to the rusty sword every time.
A bug maybe?
The way it is supposed to work is that Monro's sword is automatically selected when you get it, the USE button should have no bearing on weapons in this one. I have checked and all is well as far as I can see.

Fri Apr 4 08:52:16 2014

There is something wrong with the clock too.
It's '09:50' not '08:50'.
Just saying.
All times on the guestbook are GMT. No attempt is made to adjust for time zone or daylight saving status.

Sun May 18 15:25:43 2014
Hello. I read this adventure first some 5 years ago I think and I found it to be the best 'start-up' adventure ever written. It's a great way to 'introduce' someone to the fighting fantasy world. The only burning question that people have pointed out is 'Will we get a sequel?' Valiencis Morowan is a character that brings out questions. Which city or land does she hail from? Which company of knights does she fight for? What's her general background and how did she become a knight? All this makes me want to make the attempt of writing out a sequel for this character myself, though admittedly Victor Cheng might be the best for this. It's just that it's been so long and this is too good a script to finish here.

Sun May 18 16:11:05 2014
Now that I was on the subject, if I do find time to write a sort of sequel for this sort of initiation who do I send it too? Do I just click on contact and send the document zipped?

Sun Jun 1 21:48:44 2014
To be honest it would be a tall order for me to produce anything as I was in the middle of writing another book that isn't connected to fighting fantasy but certainly if I ever feel I have time available I have ideas for continuing the adventures of Valiencis Monrowan and co. Fantastic site and fantastic stuff from Victor Cheng, the whole site is probably worth my whole internet connection all by itself.

Thu Oct 2 21:56:47 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Completed. yet somehow not too sure about what I have done to be honest. Just a big bunch of random clicks

Freddie Murcury
Sun Nov 23 16:48:41 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Pretty solid. It ended very abruptly.

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