The Golden Crate |
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Ulysses Tue Apr 20 22:55:08 2010 |
Ryan: I don't quite understand what you are asking, as you seem to be objecting to having to make choices. The first time you play it doesn't matter what you choose; just read and enjoy. If it leads to disaster, next time make different choices. Then repeat this process until you reach the best ending or are bored with the story. If you have already done this and are asking for a walkthrough, you can request one from the author, alternatively you can ask questions here about points in the story where you can't figure out what you are doing wrong. Hope that helps. |
ryan Wed Apr 21 04:23:34 2010 |
basically, I'm wondering what to do cause every time I get to the ending, I get killed and I just have no clue when to take the escape pods do I take the pod with the rats or just go myself and is the data tablet in the captain's office important? |
Ulysses Wed Apr 21 09:36:07 2010 |
Ryan: The Golden Crate has multiple paths to completion, although some are much easier than others. Regarding when to take the escape pod, all options can lead to success, however to access the easiest path you need to:
Captain's Data Tablet:
C.K Thu Jun 24 22:43:13 2010 |
Ulysses: First off I just wanted to thank you for the WWGB series, it has provided me with some serious entertainment. I'm currently playing TGC and I had a quick question.
Again thanks alot for the series it's awesome. Snobbie: You've probably gotten passed this part already, but here it goes:
Actually I just finished another playthrough of Outsider today, so if you need a hand with any part of it you can post here and I'll be happy to help you out. |
Ulysses Fri Jun 25 00:51:39 2010 |
C.K.: Thanks for the compliment. Your answer:
C.K Fri Jun 25 17:42:45 2010 |
Ulysses: Thanks for your answer. I just have one more question:
Thanks alot for your help. |
Ulysses Sat Jun 26 00:43:20 2010 |
ryan97 Fri Nov 5 05:23:50 2010 |
hi, could someone please tell me what to do for the golden crate? every time i either get killed by the king, or its that huge dino thing am I supposed to take the pod myself or with the rats? and what items will I need at the start? |
Ulysses Sat Nov 6 04:05:40 2010 |
Hi Ryan, Glad your 'enjoying' the gamebook Regarding the start:
Regarding the end:
Hope that helps |
Ulysses Sat Nov 6 04:07:23 2010 |
Apologies to everyone for my previous post where I wrote "your" instead of "you're"...I'm mortified. |
ryan97 Sun Nov 7 07:24:09 2010 |
Ulysses Sun Nov 7 10:23:18 2010 |
ryan97 Sun Nov 7 12:05:34 2010 |
Ulysses Sun Nov 7 23:00:00 2010 |
Ryan: You'll have to live with yourself knowing what you've done. But apart from that, no. |
gamebooker Sun Jan 16 00:32:47 2011 |
Ulysses Sun Jan 16 02:32:59 2011 |
gamebooker Sun Jan 16 13:54:38 2011 |
gamebooker Sun Jan 16 14:01:07 2011 |
Sorry for all the questions but
Ulysses Sun Jan 16 22:29:14 2011 |
gamebooker Mon Jan 17 06:41:51 2011 |
Ha! Got it. thanks |
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