The Golden Crate |
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gamebooker Mon Jan 17 14:05:58 2011 |
Ha! Finally found the right order. Thanks! |
gamebooker Mon Jan 17 14:31:49 2011 |
new problem
Ulysses Mon Jan 17 22:48:30 2011 |
gamebooker Tue Jan 18 00:03:13 2011 |
gamebooker Tue Jan 18 00:07:30 2011 |
Okay looking back at previous posts, I gather I just go to the escape pods with
Ulysses Tue Jan 18 01:38:26 2011 |
gamebooker Tue Jan 18 15:57:26 2011 |
Finally completed it!
Ulysses Tue Jan 18 23:04:15 2011 |
Hope you enjoyed the adventure. The Golden Crate is definitely the best of the series so far, but Episode 7 which I am working on now should be highly enjoyable, and will certainly be long... |
gamebooker Tue Jan 18 23:44:59 2011 |
ah yes, this was definately very challenging |
gamebooker Tue Jul 19 17:47:21 2011 |
also, I see there are the advanced courses in the dojo, but how can I take them? there is only 1 chance to take 1 lesson as far as I know |
Ulysses Tue Jul 19 23:51:42 2011 |
In The Planet of the Spiders you could take basic training in one of a number of weapons. If you did, you can now take advanced training for the same weapon in The Golden Crate, or basic training in another weapon. |
gamebooker Wed Jul 20 06:12:22 2011 |
that explains 2 of them, but what about the laser sword advanced? as far as I know anyway there was no sword training in PoS |
Ulysses Wed Jul 20 09:01:19 2011 |
I don't think there was either. I probably put it on the list for completeness. |
Aiken Fri Jun 29 10:43:19 2012 |
@Glen- watch out for the Hyper-Trout. It's evil. The other books are basically just a walk in the park compared to that one. |
Glen Fri Jun 29 13:26:23 2012 |
Thanks for the warnings! I have a few questions. It seems like in several places the online version of the gamebook differs (or is just broken) compared to the written gamebook. I have a terrible memory so have forgotten most instances of this. Should I note them here? One particularly frustrating one at the moment is:
Glen Fri Jun 29 13:49:36 2012 |
All these things make the online version quite frustrating :(. |
Glen Fri Jun 29 13:57:52 2012 |
Strike that second one. It is possible :). |
Glen Fri Jun 29 14:02:27 2012 |
A note to the first:
C-Star Mon Jul 9 19:59:03 2012 |
Epic fail. Got to very end of the golden crate, brought the crate back to my boss, then
Glen Tue Jul 10 08:54:13 2012 |
@C-Star: Hint...
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