The Hypertrout


Fri Nov 2 16:30:41 2012
And as for the Star of Cha-Ching, you get it by getting 3 commendations in Hypertrout. These commendations are earned by completing 3 tasks. These tasks are
The star can be traded in C.O. to recharge the stealth device, but if you don't use it then, you keep it in the next book, so I imagine it will have some use later on in the series.

Walker Long
Mon Nov 12 14:59:44 2012
To Pat or Ulysses,
In Trout I killed the king, got the card and told the Capt. Only got 2 commendations. Any ideas whi no third award?
Thanks, Walker

Wed Nov 14 13:43:17 2012
to Walker Long:

I'm still in 'wrong way go back' can't help you atm, sorry

Wed Nov 14 16:24:01 2012
To walker, you're missing the first commendation. Basically to get it, you need to have a radio when you first see your captain while they are in captivity. To get the radio, choose the following options in the beginning of the book.
When you've taken this path, your encounter with the captain will change slightly when you find the crew and you will get the commendation. Good luck!

Tue Oct 15 01:00:26 2013
Star - optimum ending reached

Tue Nov 5 10:36:24 2013
Section 43 of The Hypertrout says that 'you glace downwards to measure your progress'. I assume that glacing is some highly advanced method of estimating distance, unknown to today's primitive society?

Or a typo for glancing :P
But known also to the world of The Diamond Key... Anyway, I've now fixed all instances of this typo, thanks for pointing it out.

Tue Nov 5 10:37:25 2013
And the second I pressed post, I saw another typo in the next section: "You drift through the fluid, having so sensation of movement" should be 'no', rather than 'so', shouldn't it?

Thu Nov 21 21:50:31 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I thought it was a great big story and full of intrest

Thu Nov 21 21:54:03 2013
I thought it was a very good story

Tue Dec 3 04:33:00 2013
this is more of a curiosity question than anything, but how many stat bonuses can you actually get in these games if you play through straight with no cheating?
so far, I've found

Tue Dec 3 08:54:45 2013

There isn't really any need to hunt down all the stat increases obsessively, the books should be completable, albeit harder, with a fresh character after all.

It did feel good in TCG to take down the deathbot in single combat before the loophole was fixed, though :)

Wed Dec 4 03:19:24 2013
actually no, I have played through dead world before but I haven't found the bonuses in that if they exist, so the only reason I didn't mention it is because I haven't found anything lol

Wed Dec 17 10:03:22 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
That catfish man is too lucky with his dice throws!!! :-(

Wed Dec 13 19:49:34 2017
Star - optimum ending reached

Tue May 22 10:50:25 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
More bonkers writing yet so enjoyable and maddeningly hard. To get the right path at the right time in the right order took forever!!!

but the story marches on!!

Fri Mar 15 12:01:06 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
killed by the fish-king. poor old me. another fine adventure,my compliments to theauthor

Tue Nov 24 02:13:08 2020
In regards to the skill increase in Hypertrout, it's actually possible to get it and win on the online version, though some may consider it a bit of an exploit: Before inserting one of the tiles, copy the url and create a duplicate tab. That way, you can find out what the correct combination for the matter transfer device is while still getting the stat bonus.

Mon May 15 21:44:24 2023

Mon Sep 25 18:51:40 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Well, this certainly was shorter than the ones before it!

Not sure what to say here. On one hand, there are two REALLY strong encounters here, with the pufferfish and the hyperspace watcher. Both actually add surprising gravity to the silly premise, and the former also manages to be really funny as well. On the other hand, the boss, such as it is, isn't great - yes, it's intentional, but the other character who is meant to compensate for his charisma void doesn't do it too well either. It doesn't help that conversations with her get the worst of the not-that-interesting running gag this time.

I am also not sure what to say about the character seemingly becoming more of a jerk as he is growing in power (both physical and organizational.) If actually intended this way, then it's certainly character development, and sadly, it's realistic character development as well. However, I have my doubts, and much will depend on the subsequent episodes to show if the scenes I have in mind are representative of the shift, or simply out-of-context.

Mechanically, I suspect this adventure is actually considerably harder to win properly then it was intended to be, simply because of this.


The limitation you have to deal with here can seem particularly arbitrary at times (you get to be equipped with a whole spacesuit, but not with a pack or a bag of any kind?), but then again, the whole series is about arbitrary boons and burdens alike.

Lastly, ther's not AS much proofreading needed this time.


Damian Wayne
Wed Nov 8 13:13:46 2023
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Where was the multi-breasted woman at ?

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