The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb |
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ffproject Sat Jul 26 06:50:59 2003 |
The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb Jeff Sinasac has sent me an updated version of his gamebook which includes several fixes. I've incorporated these into the online version and added the Word version to the Downloads page. |
Guess who? Sat Aug 21 22:46:43 2004 |
I just wanted to say Allinor's Tomb was quite simply awesome. Just the right degree of difficulty and just so much fun. Also, would you mind explaining, if you have the time how to do the whole spoiler thing. That way I can do it myself. Great program! Etienne |
You can make spoilers by putting [S] at the start of the text you want to hide and [/S] at the end. |
Holden Sat Jun 11 03:02:44 2005 |
Can anyone tell me some steps or hints in beating Alibor's tomb? I almost got there today, to the part where you open the door of his resting place, and I was blasted by heat which killed me. Could you tel me how please? |
Gamebook Fanatic Mon Jun 13 13:50:32 2005 |
To Holden: About the Trial of Alibor's Tomb,
Good luck writing your gamebooks. I hope I'll get to play them on this site soon. |
Al Sander Fri Jul 29 05:11:13 2005 |
Got a few incorrect links for The Trial of Allibor's Tomb you may want to correct. This is from the latest .doc file. Paragraph 142, when it instructs you to go to 479 it should instead send you to 474. Paragraph 426, when opening the 2nd box it sends you to 231. This should be 315. Paragraph 431, the option to go north to 367 is incorrect, instead it should go to 225. If you want to adjust these and let the author (Jeff Sinasac) know for his next release, it will be good. Al. |
Thanks very much. I've made these changes to the Word document (the online version was correct anyway). |
gubbins Thu Dec 29 01:41:48 2005 |
Allibor's Tomb Hi all, I am sure the answer to this question is simple and I am being dense...but...How do I get the Golden key out of the Ruby? I am standing in a room very near the end I think which has some red stuff but all I can do is prod around with my sword which reveals nothing. It's late here and I am probably needing sleep but some help would be really appreciated. Cheers folks |
shadowdragon Thu Dec 29 22:02:01 2005 |
Lol that part made me mad too. I've beaten the game, but when I went to replay it I forgot to do a certain part that wouldn't let me get the key. I'll give you a hint. There's two ways you can do it. One of them is extremely, and by extremely I mean extremely extremely, lol, close to the beginning. The other I can't remember where is, but I think it involved a book on a pedestal somewhere pretty deep into the plot. The first way is probably easier, but if I remember right, you miss something important by doing it that way, or at least something helpful or cool. *shrug* The choice is yours, good luck! |
gubbins Fri Dec 30 01:00:03 2005 |
Hey, thanks for the pointer... And so endeth the lesson...I had come across what you indicated which was why I knew what I was supposed to do, and then I thought...I wonder whether the bookmarked place I saved hadnt been a game where I came across the right location??? Just went back and played through in one go and...Yup! Finished the damn thing. Now to bed! Thanks. Smile |
James Sun Mar 26 12:40:15 2006 |
I've found what seems to be an error in The Trial of Allibor's Tomb. I was in the lake and attacked by a Tentacle. It gave it's stats, but there was no 'fight' link and I couldn't continue. |
This happens only in Internet Explorer, I'm not really sure why. I've fixed it now though, thanks very much for bringing it to my attention. |
asgardian Sat Jun 24 03:41:21 2006 |
Just finished the Trial of Allibor's Tomb. I thought it had potential but need more thought. Once again, another adventure that requires the adventurer to have a SKILL and LUCK of 12 and a reasonably high degree of STAMINA to survive. I think that the author of Midnight Deep had it right when you as the player could choose how to allocate the points. The final boss was also very predictable and as such boring. SKILL 12 and STAMINA 24. How do you beat him with a SKILL of 7? I think the journey would have been far more interesting if there been several items in the dungeon that at the time seemed worthless but actually depowered him in various ways. The gameplay needed another level. That said, I am now ready to try the much-talked about Hellfire. Wish me luck! |
Gamebook Fanatic Sat Jun 24 10:08:40 2006 |
Regarding Trial of Allibor's Tomb, there actually is a way to weaken the final boss. Obviously, you're still not going to win with a Skill of 7 (how often can you do that in FF books?), but a Skill of 10 should give you a reasonable chance of victory. Luck, though, you definitely need 11 or 12, (or possibly 10, but with the Potion of Fortune to boost it when it goes beyond 7), there are too many necessary or critical Luck tests. |
asgardian Sat Jun 24 21:50:11 2006 |
Ah, many thanks. Played through again and explored something I used to just pass. Sure enough, the necessary item was there. But...once again, and this goes to your point, you really need a LUCK of 12. Perhaps if you were able to choose which Potion you could carry? |
Gamebook Fanatic Sun Jun 25 10:15:17 2006 |
Yes, I didn't dispute that it's a difficult book, just pointing out something that you might have missed. :) I generally "cheat" by restarting the book until I start out with the Potion of Fortune. It's kind of ironic that the book actually gives you full restores for the other two stats in the middle, but not for the one you need most. It would have been okay if the author had given you some bonus Luck points during the book for making the right choices, but I counted no more than 2 Luck restores throughout the whole book (by the true path), and one of then you don't really need yet as it's right near the beginning. This book would have been more adequately balanced in terms of difficulty with a couple more Luck restores (just a few random points, not necessarily full restores). I think this book slants towards the "unfairly difficult" category, though it's not quite the worst in this area (at least you'd know which stat you should focus on after a few plays, whereas in some other books you need ALL 3 of your stats to be at the max.). I'd consider a book to be "unfairly difficult" if you are still likely to die even after you've mapped out the true path, which I think does apply to Trial of Allibor's Tomb (unless you cheat by continuously restarting). Books like House of Horror may be quite difficult when you've just started playing, but once you know the true path you should have no problem solving it multiple times. And since you are about to start on Hellfire, I'd suggest you try starting out with higher stats(all 3 of them) for your character. I don't want to spoil anything, but if you start with low stats, you're likely to be too busy dying to map out the book. |
Claire Sun Mar 18 11:22:51 2007 |
Does anyone know a way to get past the wizard with the lightning in the Trial of Allibor's Tomb? I've tried fighting him loads of times, but his skil is 3 points higher than mine, I keep dying. Do I haev to have something else to defeat him? It's just after the lace with the well of blood. |
Claire Sun Mar 18 15:21:59 2007 |
Actually I got past him in the end, but then died again trying to get through a door, loads of flames came out. The Owen guy was stuck in a cage in the room, but I couldn't let him out coz I hadn't a key. Do I need that key to keep going? |
Claire Tue Mar 27 20:13:12 2007 |
Hey guys, Just wondering which gamebooks people thought were the best. I've done Bodies in the Dock, Outsider and Midnight Deep, well they're the ones I've finished anyway. Just wanted to know which ones you would recommend. Oh, and if anyone can help me with my previous question about the well of blood in the Trial of Allabers tomb, I'd be really greatful. Thanks a lot. |
Ulysses Ai Wed Mar 28 00:34:09 2007 |
Hi Claire Sorry we've all neglected to answer your questions. I was waiting for someone else to give you an answer since I played that gamebook a long time ago. Not sure what part you are up to exactly, but:
That's the best I can remember. Hope it helps. |
Ibrahim Thu Mar 29 08:48:21 2007 |
Hi Claire and Ulysses. Firstly Ulysses I am going to answer your question, then I'll get to you Clairre. Screen readers can be told to announce colour change but I have never found it necessary to use this feature. In fact, if you asked me, I probably couldn't tell you how to do it in either JFW or Window-Eyes. Clairre, the well of blood is used as Ulysses said to release one of the keys you need to get through the final obsticles. I don't want to give too much away as this will spoil the game, but on your journey through the tomb, you should of either come across two things to help you with regards the clue about the ruby. You can't release the key from the ruby unless you have seen one of these being either the projection or the leather bound book. If you have seen one of these, you can drop the ruby in the well as the text will prompt you to do this. This is only one of the keys you will need however so if you need any more help or a spoiler, please let me know. |
Claire Thu Mar 29 18:20:14 2007 |
Hi Ibrahim, I've seen the ruby dropping into the well in the projection thin, I think it's when u sit down in an armchair. I dropped the ruby in the well, got that key but when I got to Owen in the cage, the text says I don't have the key to let him out. Like u said, I think I need something else, probably a different key. Do u have any idea where I could find that? Oh, and I am also a blind user of this site, I think it's really great. I use JFW, it's brilliant software. What software do u use? |
mrpibb Fri Mar 30 01:52:19 2007 |
claire The key is a platinum one, don't know where it is though i'm still trying to find it also |
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