The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb


Thu May 7 20:59:53 2020
Plenty of uses of the luck stat while barely anyway to get luck back.

Didnt like the "you start with a random item / gold" at the start of the adventure.

Besides those 2 negative points, I considered it a very solid book, with nice background and a good story + villain.

Nice work with that :)

Jules and Sage
Mon Aug 10 00:59:48 2020
Star - optimum ending reached

This was an excellent adventure with a lot of plot twists! Loved all the gems and keys and found it a good balance of challenge and fun. Great job!

Thu Dec 3 05:46:15 2020
This one was awesome! Very much in the tradition of the classic gamebooks. Took me a few goes, but I got there in the end. Won the last fight by sheer luck.

I think my only criticism of this one is, you need to test your luck rather a lot, but you never get to restore lost luck, as far as I know.

Thu Dec 3 08:46:27 2020
There is one opportunity to restore luck.

Thu Dec 3 11:26:46 2020
Ah, cheers :)

Peter Hilton
Sat Feb 13 13:15:42 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
brilliant, totally brilliant.
Being a bit of a cheat, and because dying several times is tough, what about a cheat mode where you win all fights, just so you can get to the end and enjoy the story?

kung fu space barbarian
Mon Jul 12 15:49:49 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I found 3 gold coins in a machine, fought a minotaur and took its horn, used the horn to summon a skeleton boatman, paid the boatman a gold coin to ferry me across the lake, found iron spikes and a mallet, followed a spiral pattern leading to a pearl but then got burned twice when attempting to escape, ran away from cave trolls, used the mallet and spikes to bar the door and lock them on the other side, climbed through a vent, and then got poisoned to death by spiders. Good stuff! I will try this again to see if I can get a better ending :)

Mon Oct 18 02:27:09 2021
Star - optimum ending reached
Wow, this one took me several tries, even though I still had quite a bit of memory about the "true path". Starting with the Potion of Fortune is always a big bonus for this one.

Wed Dec 14 10:08:48 2022
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Slain by cave giants

Sat Dec 9 12:09:24 2023
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
A thoroughly enjoyable adventure, a classic dungeon crawl, reminds me of a combination of warlock of firetop mountain and deathtrap dungeon.

Terry Oxby
Thu Aug 8 08:48:27 2024
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Love it, this a great exciting story.

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