The Curse Of Drumer |
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Haoie Sat Sep 1 01:01:08 2012 |
I was thinking 6 for the first number, 2 people make a marriage for the 2nd number, then finally 3 for some reason. Yeah, it's weird! On the upside I did finish Drumer last week! |
Robert Douglas Sat Sep 1 11:40:42 2012 |
@ Haoie, Glad to hear you've finished it! I was just wondering: which route did you take?
Robert Douglas Wed Sep 5 22:25:16 2012 |
God, it's been quiet for four days now... |
Robert Douglas Thu Sep 6 12:10:52 2012 |
...Five days, hee, hee... |
bcyy Fri Sep 7 03:16:25 2012 |
Well, with a new term starting, I guess everyone's busy... PS May I ask how many of you are real kiddies (at the age range indicated by the FF books, no offence intended), and how many are simply nerds who hold advanced science degrees (again, no offence intended, though if you're not proud to be a nerd, you don't really qualify to be one)? In the case of a majority belonging to the latter, IMHO FF really should change their writing styles and marketing strategies. |
Robert Douglas Fri Sep 7 08:55:10 2012 |
@ bcyy, I started reading FF in 1987 during my early teenage years. I'm now getting towards middle age. Even Ian Livingstone himself considered: "should I be writing 'Blood of the Zombies' for the ten year old today, or fans of the original series who are now forty years old?" So: you see the dilemma? Wizard Books keep the writing to a simplified form so younger readers can understand it is the best policy; we don't want to alienate younger, newer fans to FF. Otherwise, FF would go out of print again (although, with the advent of android and other e-books, the series will endure for much longer than it did with Puffin, what with having a ready database of titles on Amazon, for example). The beauty of amateur gamebooks featured on this - and other - websites is the variety of writing styles to be found. Some are more adult than others (although, by this, I refer to the age difficulty level than any swear words being used - the closest I come to is 'heck' or 'damn' or 'blimey', which to me aren't swear words at all). The merest thought of writing at 9a or 10c ladybird book level frustrates me! On a personal level - and not being horrible when I say this! - I dislike the term 'nerd'. No doubt you meant it light-heartedly, but there's a good choice of other references: 'writer' 'academic' or 'computer whizz', something that's more complimentary and relevant to their hobby, profession, or field of practice than a mere generalization. I am proud to be a gamebook writer - but word 'nerd' annoys me somewhat. Even something like 'games fanatic' is preferable to that! Not sure where you're coming from with the 'advanced science degree'...I certainly don't have one (but wish I did!) |
Haoie Fri Sep 7 10:15:57 2012 |
I took the regular route. There's a 2nd weapon? It wasn't the silver dagger which was cursed was it? |
C-Star Fri Sep 7 16:20:13 2012 |
@ bcyy Well I'm actually 17, so I think I'm just gone past being a kiddie... Ha yeah I can't really say I'm much of an ff fan. I've only played 3 of them myself ( The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, City of Thieves and Bloodbones). I got introduced to the whole thing back years ago during primary school by a friend. I was really fascinated by the idea of a book that's also a game, and pretty much adored the whole concept. (Yeah, I was a nerd back then lol.) A long time later I was googling random stuff and remembered about ff. I wondered if there were any of them on the internet. Then i found this (rather quiet, in my opinion) website. Oh and btw, I found the second weapon in COD, the Dibir Mallacht Cladhmain, or something like that. But then...
Yeah ragequit... anyway I'm busy with school and stuff so i probably won't have as much time as I used to for reading these things. And as a matter of interest, what does that cursed silver dagger actually do? |
Robert Douglas Sun Sep 9 15:42:10 2012 |
@ C-Star, Glad that you found the second weapon. What did you think to the idea behind it? Sorry you got caught out by the spiked pit but
@ Haoie, No, the silver dagger wasn't the second weapon - although it may come in useful if you fail a test roll later on against a particular enemy.
Robert Douglas Sun Sep 9 15:45:21 2012 |
I thought it quite amusing to have two magic weapons in TCOD: one of Christian roots, another that is wholly pagan - but both get the job done. Bit like angels in the window and a decorated tree at xmas time! |
C-Star Sun Sep 9 17:02:44 2012 |
Yeah the story behind the weapon was more interesting imo. I also liked the scenario with the werewolves, even if i did die a ridiculous amount of times for a skill 12 character. |
Robert Douglas Mon Sep 10 19:32:40 2012 |
Out of interest, I had a go at doing TCOD myself, just to see how difficult it might be. After about four attempts I managed to complete it - and only then with a few Stamina points remaining! I'd since been killed three more times before completing it a second time. |
C-Star Mon Sep 10 20:41:39 2012 |
Yeah the final boss against the fire demons in particular was absolute hell (pardon the pun) :-D |
bcyy Tue Sep 11 03:45:22 2012 |
@Robert Douglas: PS I really enjoyed TCOD. Don't worry about the difficulty - I completed it two times out of three so far, taking a slightly different path each time. Perhaps it was due to my cheating (I always refresh until I get a character with a perfect SKILL and LUCK), but IMHO you had to have really unlucky dice rolls to die 6 times out of 8. Still didn't find the second weapon, though - maybe I'll give it a try after I get over my current wave of work deadlines. |
C-Star Tue Sep 11 16:35:11 2012 |
I'm assuming that you found Hreinleika. If you need a hint... (ah the beauty of the spoiler tag)
Be aware that this is purely from memory. I did this a while ago so I might have gotten details hazy. |
Robert Douglas Tue Sep 11 22:59:17 2012 |
@ bcyy, Glad you enjoyed TCOD (that abbreviation sounds a bit weird!) and I hope you find the second weapon (refer to the spoiler note I left for Haoie if you're still getting stuck). BTW, what do you think to the term 'egghead'? @ C-Star, Yes, as I said,
D-L-T Tue Oct 22 06:15:22 2013 |
I really like House of Hell and this book brings up a lot of memories of that one. Great job :) |
THEZOO Tue Nov 26 21:01:28 2013 |
Bonnie earl of drumer |
Half Pint Thu Dec 19 14:34:00 2013 |
Well written and enjoyable, too many Tests of LUCK and SKILL though! |
gigs Sat Jan 4 16:37:37 2014 |
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