Above The Waves |
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SFG Thu Jul 26 08:04:12 2018 |
Enjoyed that, thanks. |
jp Mon Jan 28 03:40:01 2019 |
was this short or did i make all the right choices |
paul Tue Mar 19 11:45:27 2019 |
why did i pick up a stick to fight the jaguar, i have a machete and hand to hand skills? |
Justin franklin Tue Feb 4 22:36:59 2020 |
What a pointless game! I mean totally. I must have made 10 choices, purchased items I never had the need to use and it was just reading a story with minimal choices. Next thing it says congratulations you've completed the game? It wasnt a game where you make choices with cliffhangers, it was very to the point and boring. |
Mage Wed Oct 20 00:46:44 2021 |
Never realized there was a book using Virtual Reality series rules here. Hope there's more of these. |
Rapelstapski Sat Nov 12 01:20:15 2022 |
Good story |
YARD Mon Sep 11 13:37:37 2023 |
This would have been so, SO good if it had more refs to flesh out each episode/location (perhaps as few as 50 extra would have done the trick) and used the Skill system of either Soul Tracker (optimally) or The Word Fell Silent (easier to implement, though probably less suitable than Soul Tracker's for a "combatless" gamebook)! As it is, this Windjammer entry still boasts an unusual setting with some clever writing and a great cast of characters. Other than what seems like a bug or a typo (more on it below) there's a nary a bug or a poorly written moment, there's very considerable variety that's both background-dependent and skill-dependent, and even two viable endings. Alas, the way skills are all-or-nothing means that if you get the right combo, you'll see the run dominated by stretches where they carry the character on their own, without even needing your input. (The one other time on here I recall something like this was in Any Port in a Storm.) Now, the aforementioned bug/continuity-breaking typo seems to be this:
The other typos I spotted.
Regarding reference 9, I think you're right, it should just say Richard rather than Marlowe and then it all makes sense. Thanks for pointing these things out. |
letícia Wed Sep 13 23:24:10 2023 |
foi legal |
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