Return To G15-275


Fri May 3 12:36:42 2013
Hi Erka.

The Dead World is not a difficult book to complete, the question is what path you choose to take as there are multiple bonuses available. The solutions you have identified are all that there are, and all successful paths converge on the same ending. The next episode is currently with the webmaster, and I predict it will be available before 2015 :)

Fri May 3 18:57:14 2013
Before 2015? That's quite a while...

Sat May 4 00:05:09 2013
Technically, tomorrow is also before 2015...!

But it's probably reasonable to assume the day is closer to that limit.
It's quite big, that's the thing. But I have made a fair amount of progress with it.

Sat Sep 14 08:00:22 2013
Return To G15-275

We care about you, no matter how insignificant you are…

But the Galactic Disposable Cutlery Corporation is not as benevolent as its marketing department would have you believe. It has made you a prisoner by means that are entirely legal but really, really unfair! Can you escape from the clutches of the company that claims to own you? It won't be easy... if only you were a real person...

Yes, the seventh, and comfortably the largest so far, episode of Ulysses Ai's Wrong Way Go Back series is finally ready for online play.

Sat Sep 14 09:43:25 2013
After The Hypertrout was solved by a couple of people within about three days (which made me very disgruntled), I have tried to make this one super-hard and extremely punishing, while still making it possible to discover the true path and come out ahead if you are attentive. I am confident no one will solve it for at least a week!


Sat Sep 14 10:54:38 2013
Oh my god, it's finally up!?

(Throws away life to play game).

Mon Sep 16 00:03:16 2013
All these years, I never understood why Ulysses would give away a publication-standard gamebook series for free.

Thanks, Ulysses!

@Robert Douglas

Thanks for the encouragement, though given my current workload, I don't see myself writing a gamebook in the near future. Sorry!

Robert Douglas
Mon Sep 16 23:25:56 2013
@ bcyy,

Sorry to hear that, it's a shame when there's only so much time in the world.

Tue Sep 17 07:07:16 2013

Your main issue here is :


I've changed things so that you can now go in the restaurant as many times as you like (but only once per day).

Wed Sep 18 15:49:16 2013
Well he wasn't lying about the difficulty anyway. Thank the Trioracle I didn't open the package too early

Thu Sep 19 22:55:17 2013
enjoying trying to puzzle out Return to G15-275.

I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the series of G15-275 books over the years - funny, well-written and also excellent puzzles to boot. Thanks again Ulysses!

Fri Sep 20 07:37:37 2013
Great to see a new playable entry!

Sat Sep 21 17:58:38 2013
I know the solution is staring me in the face, but I just can't find it! Anyone else having any luck solving this book?
Nobody has reached the best ending yet, although someone has got quite close to the end. And it's been a week now, so Ulysses will be pleased.

Sun Sep 22 00:41:05 2013
@Robert Douglas

It's extremely flattering to think that you would actually want to read something from me.


Thanks for the tip! Thanks also for changing the other gamebooks. I might even crack Rebels of the Dark Chasms sometime.

Sun Sep 22 03:36:36 2013
@ C-star

Where are you stuck?

Sun Sep 22 07:49:55 2013
Finally nailed RotDC! It wasn't that hard after all!

Resuming G15-275...

Just out of curiosity, is the moderator Ulysses? There are an awful lot of facts suggesting he is.
Are there? Like what?

Sun Sep 22 18:27:14 2013

Great job!


It's not just one part I can't do, I'm just not sure what to do in general.

Sun Sep 22 21:17:52 2013
When you're given the option to stow away in the beginning, does it matter which ship you pick?

Sun Sep 22 23:19:08 2013
C-Star said:
When you're given the option to stow away in the beginning, does it matter which ship you pick?


- but I don't know if it makes a difference for being able to finish the book or not (as I haven't got there myself yet)


Sun Sep 22 23:58:49 2013
After playing Hellfire, you start to assume that the path that gives you the most stat penalties is the correct one... That book warped my judgement forever

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