A Knight's Trial


Sat Jan 17 10:32:09 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
holy hell! it is possible. i did it!

Tue Mar 17 01:38:48 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I get turned into a vegetable? That's because of so many years playing as a man.

damien richards
Sat Apr 18 11:41:01 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
What's up with the skill man

Thu Jul 16 07:29:24 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
killed but a giant centipede

Mon Apr 25 10:35:11 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Definitely very cool to play next to Lancelot. I died and must retry however. When you reach the stone statue room, do this:

Tue Jun 7 17:37:51 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Great story

Great Guy
Tue Jun 14 02:42:25 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Rip. Killed by giant... Never accomplished much. Press f to pay respects


Great Guy
Tue Jun 14 03:12:46 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Became a vegetable for the 2nd time

Sat Aug 6 09:30:42 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
A centipede is not an insect it is a Myriapod.

Tue Aug 9 00:08:15 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Not one medkit or meal to restore any health at all. ugh, that was rough. lol
But fun!

i was so close
Sun Sep 4 17:41:21 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i almost slayed the dragon but it didn't really give me choice to fight him

Mon Feb 6 22:45:02 2017

Wed Mar 15 20:46:44 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
??? Um, ok. That was good. The subtle hints towards the ending, and the downright reveal when you lose, is incredibly clever. The plot was good, as were the battles and choices. Needing to get the two specific items was slightly irksome, although it did force me to explore everywhere, which was good.
Grade: 98

Robert Douglas
Thu Mar 16 10:33:45 2017
'Slightly irksome'. If I'd done that my gamebook would have been ungraded. 'Exploring' is part of the gamebook, after all. Ian Livingstone's style has something like eight or nine essential items to find, Deathtrap Dungeon for example - considered an FF classic.

Wed Jun 20 12:21:56 2018
i tried forever but i couldnt get all 3 items.

Wed Jun 20 23:14:45 2018
You need a modicum of luck to succeed, or be willing to take a gamble and win.

Traditionally, the depths of a dungeon are to the north - don't go deep before you must.

Courage is a virtue.

If you played many times, avoiding things that automatically hurt you makes the combats easier and just costs you hints you've read in previous passes.

And then things get spoilery.

Thu Aug 23 10:42:35 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Wed Mar 20 14:42:19 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
shouldn't have touched the sphere :(

Jupiter Botz
Tue Sep 10 02:26:39 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I have enjoyed the game but have yet to win. It's very frustrating and after 20 tries I am moving on. Good game but, c'mon, you should make an easier path to slay dragon. After failing a number of times, I can guess the story but it sucks that i can't experience the win. I have tried repeatedly bit to no avail. And not because of bad decision. I have done every decision and still no victory. You have to make it possible for someone to win.

Fri Sep 13 01:04:47 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
Possible, but getting the right path can be challenging and depends on luck. LUCK, combat skill, and pure luck if your LUCK fails.

Face your fears and oppose authority trying to set you on the right path
Follow clues
If you're unlucky, a gamble might give you a chance at winning

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