Nye's Song |
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JS Tue May 2 08:03:18 2017 |
nice touch! |
RogueOne Thu Oct 19 20:56:33 2017 |
Done! |
Robert Douglas Thu Oct 19 21:39:46 2017 |
...And done! As Homer Simpson often says. Well done! Says I. Bloody burnt!...said the baking lady to King Alfred. |
Robert Douglas Thu May 17 15:29:46 2018 |
@ Francisco, Thanks! It was probably not my best effort but it was fun to write, and I reckon the concept was sound. I hoping there will be more to come from the Blight universe... |
paul Wed Mar 20 16:49:42 2019 |
whoops, should have fought hand-to-hand :( |
Robert Douglas Thu Mar 21 15:28:22 2019 |
You're probably referring to
Duncan D Tue Oct 22 23:39:05 2019 |
I have to say I love the premise of this one, it's really creative the world it builds and the atmosphere created is great but what's the deal with the ending? You do everything right then when you get into the tank you just click test this and test that and die! I've gotten to the tank with maximum stamina without losing a single man and I just keep dying and I have absolutely no control over it! I don't know what the Endurance gunners skill is, I don't know how many hits the Endurance can take and no decision or action I take influences the end. That (major) gripe aside it's really interesting to have men as well as skill and stamina and this is a very well though out and executed RPG. |
Duncan D Wed Oct 23 00:23:19 2019 |
I have to say I love the premise and atmosphere of this story. One of its great strengths is its original storyline and I particularly like having a platoon of men (I had no problem figuring out the numbers of men) under my command, although it means a perfectionist like me has to run through the whole story repeatedly so I didn't lose a single man. Having said that I think Robster and bluejuice195 have some fair points in that it was thoroughly enjoyable until you get to the bit where you just click test skill for some gunners (although you don't know their skill) and then test skill for some Kali spectre's (although you don't know how many hits the Endurance can take) until you die and while Mowen's comments are helpful in completing the adventure they make no sense at the time you come to that portion of the gamebook. That annoyance aside I hugely enjoyed this adventure and hope to see more of the same again, ideally involving Captan Nye and his crew. |
Steve Sun Nov 24 17:50:00 2019 |
I had to cheat a bit to save the Endurance but it was a fun playing and had a unique atmosphere to the storyline. Thanks for the module. |
Steve Sun Nov 24 18:00:50 2019 |
Ah tricky :) I made it this time without cheating (but I did read a spoiler!) |
John Thu Feb 13 22:35:26 2020 |
Came back to this after a while, and really enjoyed another playthrough: I picked up a lot more of the background this time. The link to Kali's Count earlier in this thread was a real hidden gem; that, plus a few of the other posts, lends a lot of depth to the setting, and I for one am definitely hoping for another work in this universe. |
AC Mon Mar 21 16:41:55 2022 |
Well written and absorbing |
AC Mon Mar 21 16:50:30 2022 |
Play 2: Excellent. Ever thought of writing for 2000 AD? |
Robert Douglas Mon Mar 21 21:32:36 2022 |
Hi AC, not really my scene. I did once try with a short story to Interzone, but no luck. However, I have had a local story published in a local newspaper, and another broadcast on the local radio. Oddly, I find it easier writing gamebooks rather than straightforward stories - and they're more fun to do! The story kind of falls into place, some parts I plan prior to starting, but much of what I write slots into place, much like a jigsaw puzzle. However, I do enjoy reading the occasional short story and I've got quite a few favourite authors on the shelf, such as Bernard Cornwell, Peter F Hamilton, and John Wyndham. Saying that, my own writing has been on temporary hold over the past few years due to a Bookwormathon (not sure if that's an actual word, but if not then I'd like it to be) that has, thus far, encompassed thirty two books over the past five years! Although someday I might return to the alternate history steampunk horror setting, personally I don't think Nye's Song is my best effort, but thanks for the kind comments though :) |
Rappe Sat Oct 29 20:02:15 2022 |
Whats the point of a skill test if you still die after you suceede? |
YARD Sun Aug 20 10:38:49 2023 |
Heh, it's funny that this story by Robert Douglas has practically the same number of comments as another, slightly newer one, Any Port in a Storm. I have already commented on its page that I prefer this story a lot more, and the reasons why. I suppose I'll add just a couple more thoughts: 1) In multiple comments, the author says that the way to make The Sequence easier is to go through the church first. The thing is, not only are there still considerable odds of failing even then, but doesn't that also
2) I'm not sure if the title image was picked by the author or FFProject, but it's rather misleading, since it shows a Mark tank, yet from the description, the Dreadnought is actually a wheeled APC? Well, more like a wheeled IFV which somehow fits three turrets with 40mm guns yet can still only shoot down one ghost at a time (this in spite of 40mm being a relatively small caliber best known for being used in the legendary anti-air Bofors autocannons all the way back during WW2!) but I think you get my point. Either way, this is actually one of those stories on FFP where I would like to see more set in its world. |
I found the image. It's more effort than you realise to track down images without any details contradicted in some way by the text, so you shouldn't be too surprised. |
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