

Mon May 11 20:36:18 2015
I have been wondering that myself, with the stalling of three projects meaning it can't be a one off. I vacillate between thinking I no longer have any pleasure in writing to thinking it isn't the best thing to be doing at this time in my life to thinking I should be pursuing it. I do generally incline to the second one though.

Mon May 11 21:57:51 2015
I agree with Phil.

Tue May 12 08:12:34 2015
I thank you both for your kind words but they don't really address the issues... Though any solution would be welcome.

Phil Sadler
Tue May 12 15:08:43 2015
Perhaps a very short adventure too start the old creativity ball rolling?

Tue May 12 16:45:32 2015
Perhaps, I did have an idea for a short adventure called Kobyashi Naru....

Tue May 12 18:51:05 2015
It doesn't even have to be FF, it can be anything and you don't have to share it with anyone, you can write it for yourself. Maybe open a Proboards Message Board and put your stories and gamebooks on there (if not here). There is also fanfiction.net?

Maybe write Kobyashi Naru (if it's a gamebook) in 30 refs instead of 100 or 400.

Good luck, Gavin, and keep writing you're good at it.

Tue May 12 19:37:00 2015
Another short gamebook idea I had was Zen Arcade, which is probably easier... Hmm.

Wed May 13 07:57:21 2015
Interesting article you posted on wands meanwhile.

Wed May 13 21:49:24 2015
Yes, it was good.

Mon May 18 19:40:13 2015
I'm actually quite tempted to do a gamebook called Soft n Cuddly homaging the glorious, wonderful ZX Spectrum and one of the most bat**** games there-in....

Fri Jul 17 03:42:47 2015
Do it!

Fri Jul 17 10:48:13 2015
Sorry ms Tam I've not done a tap

Tue Aug 11 04:34:30 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
made it to 701, will have to try again. Didn't like that ending. I guess I didn't do what I was supposed to. lol

Tue Aug 11 05:35:38 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Dammit! Lost at the Knight!


Fri Oct 16 11:25:57 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
I reached the ending and I'm pretty sure it's the best one. Outsider is a brilliant fighting fantasy gamebook but it's practically impossible to reach the best ending on the first 3 tries. Overall, quite tough with the absurd number of death paragraphs, but the story is great.
Final verdict: 9/10

Wed Dec 23 19:33:46 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
how exactly we win ? killing the prince or becoming the defender ?

Thu Dec 24 18:26:53 2015
Killing the Prince isn't the ending. Becoming Defender is one of several options I put in - inspired by the monk ending of Crimson Tide and Paul Mason's comments there-in - which you could consider the ending if you wanted. Defender could be considered the Good aligned ending and becoming a necromancer the Evil. You can even quit being an assassin and marry a fishwife two paragraphs in if you're a pacifist. But there are two golden endings, one Andy designated the star ending which is canonical and another I consider the best to this day, although it's out of continuity.
I'm half tempted to mark your favourite ending as being a second successful ending, however it still seems to me that you reach it by accomplishing less - while you may prefer the outcome, in a game sense it is still a notch below the very best ending. What I'll certainly do when I get round to it is add 'challenges' as I have done with some of the other gamebooks. Most of these will be chasing down all the semi-successful endings.

By the way, the original version of your favourite ending is still accessible as an 'alternate ending', but I don't know if anybody has actually found it.

Sun Jan 3 23:11:45 2016
Outsider - Additional Challenges

For a start, Gavin's favourite ending now counts as a second successful ending for which you get a CONGRATULATIONS message and potentially a star in the guestbook.

I've also added a series of challenges in the manner of the ones that exist in several other gamebooks.

You initiate the challenges by reaching one of the two successful endings in the usual way. You are then presented with an ADDITIONAL CHALLENGES link which sends you back to the start of the game and gives you a checklist of challenges to work your way through. It doesn't matter if you die on any subsequent attempt, you can keep going round and round until you are successful.

Play it here

Mon Jan 4 13:26:11 2016
By the time one has managed to complete the book (reached one of the 2 'best' endings), most of the challenges probably won't be much of a challenge. The player must have played it enough times to know exactly where all the other things lie. :)

The only one that would be really hard is the Black Sword challenge, because that one is strictly based on luck.

Actually another challenge that's actually tougher than most of those already listed would be killing both the War Ghoul and its master. I usually take that as a personal challenge myself whenever I start with a SKILL 12 character. :D

Tue Jan 5 12:12:08 2016
Thanks to Andy for doing the challenges, the second non canon successful ending and I only just noticed the superb artwork - Eddora is even hotter than I imagined. Thanks also to Mage for playing my book apparently lots of times :) what are the challenges in fact?
Eddora is played here by Viconia DeVir who is apparently a character in a game called Baldur's Gate.

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