

Fri Jun 3 08:29:46 2016
Next project after Electra -- Sundew. On Facebook if anyone is interested.

Wed Jun 8 01:11:42 2016
Will check it out. Thanks for the info!

Wed Jun 8 01:29:14 2016
Cheers Tam, I think you especially might like Interloper :)

G Mitchell
Sun Jun 12 20:32:24 2016
The Maqueta of New Day Rising has now been published here.


Minus the ending paragraph which I most definitely have written. Bear in mind that there is hardly any of it here, but it still contains nearly as many SPOILERS as it does SKELETONS. And while Interloper and Behind the Mask are open for collaboration, New Day Rising shall be completed by myself alone.

Jon S. Stock
Thu Jun 16 21:59:44 2016
Well, I've had a look at New Day Rising. Murder-hobos. Stories Bones Tell. Someone's been playing Torment, I see. I like the idea of managing a party. That's quite cool.

Anyhow. Oxford. My STBXWife went there. I don't think she liked it. Upon leaving she swore never to set foot in the city again. Which was problematic doing the whole Meet the Parents thingy as my old man and his partner lived there.

I applied for it but didn't get in. I'm glad, to be frank. As a grammar school boy surrounded by red-trousered Sloane Rangers and Hooray Henries I'd have been about as welcome as a long-haired marathon-running children's TV presenter at an NSPCC fundraiser. I went to a University in London where I scraped a 2.1 in Law and went to the Sorbonne for a year abroad where I did French Law. Oxford might be stuck in the 14th century, but the Sorbonne's still yet to make it out the 12th.

Fri Jun 17 03:38:01 2016
Thanks for looking at NDR. I would have thought the influence of Torment would have been obvious on the previous book as well, but it was a long time ago back then. I think there's enough on Wattpad so readers can tell what's going on and what the critical path is so.... As for Oxford I do espouse the Nieztschean idea of Eternal Recurrence, though have recently decided to research Objectivism as well.

Mon Jun 20 13:50:44 2016
Incidentally, regarding Torment, Electra contains the 'Don't let it end like this' line. No doubt the geeky protagonist has played the game in between watching Andromeda and Doctor Who.

Wed Jun 22 15:25:48 2016
Does anyone know if Czaky is the love interest for Avenger in Way of the Tiger 7 Redeemer?

Wed Jun 22 15:26:59 2016
Maybe It's just Freudian projection due to how obvious the critical path for NDR is.

Mon Jun 27 07:13:33 2016
No big handfasting ritual or happily ever after for Czaky Avenger at the final end of Way of the Tiger. I'm upset now and shall be looking for Neon Bible on Tv Tropes instead.

Mon Jun 27 08:45:56 2016
I meant Neon Demon, Arcade Fire are crap.

Mon Jul 4 18:23:37 2016
Right I'm putting my foot down, the original ending for Book 6 of Way of Tiger was HEAPS better. The dark gothy author of Outsider liking something that miserable, is anyone surprised? I'm going to watch Elis's set at Metal Female Voices 2007 again.

Wed Jul 6 09:31:45 2016

Thu Jul 7 12:40:48 2016
Lol. So ms Tam, are you familiar with way of tiger. Or Cretan Chronicles that other great epic of obscurity.

Thu Jul 7 22:21:02 2016
Actually no. Care to elaborate? I have all day! Lol

Fri Jul 8 05:17:38 2016
Way of Tiger is a series where you play a Ninja and It's so Eighties It's untrue. It's one of the most technically ambitious series, at various points you run a city and an army. Cretan Chronicles has you play a Greek hero, I read the third one while with 'Eddora' she was fascinated hearing about it. Perhaps she now has a Greek primary patron like I do, though after 15 years I don't really care. Both series have chillingly dark endings -- Cretan Chronicles is accurate to the setting but most people hated both. I loved it, and don't think Way of Tiger should have changed it, or at least they should have had Avenger marry Czaky at the end.

Fri Jul 8 05:19:30 2016
As far me.... For Nemesis, Odin and Ayn Rand. Also sprach Salamander.

Fri Jul 8 05:22:31 2016
Also from reading Let's Plays of Cretan Chronicles online I discovered Mary Renault, one of my current favourite authors and a secondary reason for wanting to get out of 'the sci fi ghetto' -- primary one being Derek Robinson. If only 'genre fiction' wasn't everything the English speaking critics didn't like.

Fri Jul 8 22:16:21 2016
Interesting. I've never heard of them. I wonder if there is a free pdf somewhere on them?

What is it about Renault that inspired you?

Sat Jul 9 05:35:18 2016
There were free PDFs of Cretan on Home of the Underdogs, but that's coming up for 15 years ago now. Renault was a very good writer (particularly her later stuff) and obviously I have a Greek patron, but a major factor was I was in a science fiction reading group for five years and got absolutely sick of the whole genre. I'm currently reading Fountainhead, It's awesome.

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