

Sat Jul 9 21:28:14 2016
Nice. :)

Sat Jul 23 21:29:20 2016
No way, there is not a remake of Blair Witch Project.
It's funny... everyone always remembers the weird mansion in Outsider, even though it was a totally throwaway reference to Blair Witch Project and the fact when Eddora and I went to see the film in Oxford, during the last bit she rushed to the toilet and was sick.
Now we have Mrs Brown off the television telling us to watch Fawlty Towers, Dads Army and Only Fools and Horses.
The more it stays the same the less it changes.
Or something.

Sat Jul 23 21:31:08 2016
And I can only wonder if the adventure 'Shrine of the Salamander' (which is really good incidentally) is a reference to my craft name, though there are a few more Space Vice Marshals and Bar Plum Nudges in there which I blatantly made up, just like Mr Crowley and McGregor Mathers before me.

Sun Aug 7 04:05:14 2016
Just wondering if the Florentine style could ever be added to the online version of this gamebook? I know it doesn't add much accept cosmetics and an occasional possible advantage in combat but it'd still be neat.

Sun Aug 7 05:10:37 2016
Back in the day Per Jansen (think that was his name, 2003) worked out that the occasional dagger strike was hardly worth having. To me it was historical flavour of an authentic sword style from the mimiced time period, and a homage to Ni To Kenjutsu from Sword of Samurai. Much later I was to learn this was Miyamoto Musashi's own sword style: I also learned Taiji Sword / Knife of Chang Yiu Chun, the master of my late master. The left hand boot knife is actually bloody useful, though in real life I actually avoid fights (and religiously observe Offensive Weapons Act 1951, being a sensei and all)

Mon Aug 8 20:11:21 2016
@ Gavin

Per Jorner

Tue Aug 9 05:37:37 2016
Ta. Coffee Dragon he called himself, wrote some really funny stuff and a really fair review of Outsider. And I'll never forget 'You pull a hot elf babe, unfortunately she is a psychic ninja vampire Lenswoman and she's out to get you. You laugh as you pull out your cross n' garlic. But that crap only flies in the books. Your adventure ends here.' It's as though I wrote it myself....

John Dow
Sat Sep 10 07:49:24 2016
So, which one is the real ending??
No, not that one. You know if you've got to one of the two 'best' endings because you get a CONGRATULATIONS message.

John Dow
Sun Sep 18 13:56:23 2016
Then how can I get to those endings??
I've tried 5 times but can't seem get it...

Sun Sep 18 23:03:06 2016
Darth Salamander has no pithy comments to offer on his book today as he is stuck in the Crowleyan abyss, or one of the Qillipoth, or something.

Mon Sep 19 04:32:50 2016
Anyway one way to get (and stay) on the critical path is to emulate the author's lifelong disturbing fascination with the occult. Apparently the dark reflection of Tiphareth is ruled over by Belphegor whose enemy is Santa Magdalena. GOSH

John Dow
Wed Sep 21 12:59:47 2016
Uh... I don't think I understand what you've said.

Wed Sep 21 22:37:23 2016
Maybe he's on drugs

Phil Sadler
Thu Sep 22 09:02:29 2016
Worse than that. I think he's got a degree in Classics.

Thu Sep 22 10:46:00 2016
I am G Mitchell MEng (Hons) Oxon and drugs are bad. Tammy your magick needs work if you don't recognise those references. Anyway back in fictional land, if your goal is to gain knowledge and power what's the purpose behind leading the life of a contract killer? Think about it.

Thu Sep 22 16:32:23 2016
I only got one ending in the gamebook but didn't you say it wasn't the right ending? I did read a great majority of it and I know what you meant by emulating the dark forces. Lighten up.

Fri Sep 23 08:10:57 2016
Yes Tammy. What ending did you get

Fri Sep 23 15:26:07 2016
The one where you spend the rest of your life with him. I can't remember if I was actually supposed to kill him or not, rather than join him.

Fri Sep 23 17:31:31 2016
That could be one of 3 people. Per Jorner deconstructed the sequence, back in the day.

Sat Sep 24 16:18:09 2016
Talking of magick and since I am on the 69 bus (for reals) I thought I might take the liberty of spelling out my full and proper craft title, which is Space Vice Marshal Brigadier Darth Salamander Bar Plum Nudge and Bar Plum Nudge and Bar. Micturates all over the MEng (Hons) Oxon doesn't it. A guy at work is 'on the square' and we do have a good larf at our respective appelations: he put some effort into acquiring his.

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