Outsider! |
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duffmeister Sat Jun 21 14:12:31 2008 |
Sorry about the weirdness of the last paragraph, I had a minor sugar rush. I just want an answer. Oh and is 'Outsider''s author writing 'Afterlife' as a sequel? |
It wasn't really a sequel, there was only the most tenuous connection between the two. Sadly, Afterlife appears to have been permanently abandoned. |
Rob Wed Jul 29 20:53:56 2009 |
So I was playing Outsider!, and I had a question about the illegal drug factory.
Sorry about that - it did work once, I'm sure of it. I'm a bit busy at the moment but I'll look into it when I get the chance. |
pi4t Thu Oct 1 16:20:33 2009 |
In Outsider, on reference 314, you are told that 'During that time, you have several contracts, but none as unusual as that of Fiorentino.' If you don't accept the contract, you aren't told the necromancer's name, so it should just say '...as that of the necromancer.' Also, in the html version, ref. 699 doesn't link with 600. |
I have fixed the reference 314 continuity error, thanks for pointing it out. |
pi4t Thu Oct 1 16:37:23 2009 |
Same problem with 759-527, I'm afraid :( |
Normally I don't fix errors in the originals, but on this occasion I have dealt with the two you mention. |
pi4t Wed Oct 7 10:05:36 2009 |
In Outsider, from reference 577 you can go to various 'riddle references', the answers tell you to turn to 72. When you get there, it's clearly the wrong reference. |
ffproject Sun Jun 6 09:12:29 2010 |
Gavin Mitchell Update Do you like Outsider! ? Do you like martial arts? Then it's your lucky day : http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/essays-on-martial-arts-and-meditation/6219444#. |
Snobbie Mon Jun 21 18:51:53 2010 |
In the "outsider!" Why are there so many bad endings? And i don't know how to beat the demon in the dream. How do i increase my stats? |
Ulysses Thu Jun 24 02:06:29 2010 |
Snobbie: Sorry no one has replied to your questions. Outsider! was first put on this site many years ago and so we all played it long ago. Personally, I don't remember the dream, let alone a demon... As for the stats, if there was a way to increase them I don't recall, but you can always restart the game until you have stats of your liking. |
Snobbie Sun Jun 27 02:06:37 2010 |
I know that! It's just that there are so many endings which i can't get... So i do all of the three main missions of who is Aria's father.... But what i don't get is that i can't get out of the jail cell..What does the red potion do since i know what blue potion does. |
Snobbie Sun Jun 27 02:08:55 2010 |
If you can't get the "Bane of EVIL" when the guy's best man is there to give you a riddle... I don't know how it goes... "Who or what is God?"
Make sure it is that! |
Jordan Mon Jun 28 16:24:23 2010 |
There is another answer which is correct as well. It is:
C.K Tue Jun 29 12:31:53 2010 |
Snobbie: For your first couple of questions:
Snobbie Tue Jun 29 14:53:32 2010 |
I don't know how to increase my phyics score. |
C.K Thu Jul 1 14:24:07 2010 |
Snobbie: Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The ways to increase your psychic score are:
Snobbie Wed Jun 1 07:13:13 2011 |
I like "Black" Aria Because he Starts as a... Anti-Hero and later in the Gamebook of "The Outsider", He learns things from his Three Pontenial Fathers.. I always Inmagined Him having Long-Blond-Hair and the Emerald eyes his Mother... And the same Black clothing expect the Cloak which i always thought it would have Sleeves but then Again I always think having a Cloak with no Sleeves looks fine. I wonder if the Contest is going around this Year. |
Aiken Thu Jun 2 11:09:59 2011 |
"Outsider" is monumentally ambitious, and at times truly epic, but suffers from uneven quality and a slight sense that at times the author is a little bored completing his self-imposed quest to write the longest-gamebook-ever. It also has a slight element of cliche storm, although the occasional humour helps. It's very, very good, but for my money, not up there with the best of the best. |
gamebook freak Mon Jun 6 19:39:57 2011 |
o no no no noooooooo, the largest gamebook we have is the dimant key. |
Aiken Wed Jun 8 13:13:32 2011 |
The Diamond Key is huge, but much of the content is there to handle the very complex mechnics, nuances (e.g. which objects you picked up, whether you met someone) and non-linear narratives. In other words, it's rich and complex, but a single play-through doesn't take that long- although you want to play it again and again to pick up the other possibilities. Outsider, on the other hand, is basically very linear and takes ages and ages to play through once. And once you've done it, there's not that much incentive to play again, and kill the same Lich, the same Nightshade Phantom etc. etc. That's why although I think Outsider is great, I prefer TDK. |
Glen Tue Jul 10 08:56:12 2012 |
I have a question about Outsider! (which is absolutely fantastic by the way)
Could anyone help? |
Glen Tue Jul 10 12:42:25 2012 |
I can answer my own question: no, it's not! |
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