

Sat Feb 23 22:33:17 2019
don't drink yellow potion

Fri May 10 02:04:52 2019
This game is immortal. I played and optimally won it once; now I'm playing again. There must be something in here I've not seen yet.

A.E. Johnston
Wed May 15 03:20:43 2019
It is a great story and gamebook Sebby, i find myself coming back to it at least once a year. Very enjoyable.

Wed May 15 15:36:10 2019
The second mission of the sequel is available on the downloads

Hubertus Bigend
Mon Jun 24 11:01:50 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
Great adventure! Took me a while to get the best ending. Really enjoyed the musical & pop-culture references too. Time to go listen to some Manowar!

Sun Mar 22 03:42:11 2020
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Wed Nov 25 05:44:32 2020
Well, finally finished this after looking at the spoilers and have almost all of the challenges done.Just one question: How do you complete the Workaholic challenge? I can't seem to find the Lich.

Wed Nov 25 07:03:29 2020
The Workaholic accomplishes every contract offered, some of which are hidden.

If you got to the best ends, you've run into most of these contracts, though you may not have accepted them all. A few are hidden.


Thu Nov 26 04:37:46 2020
I can't remember the Lich either. Thanks to Meschlum for the summary that's more contracts than even I thought of.

Fri Nov 27 15:36:39 2020
And rofl 'vampires are unexpectedly common and should die' I wonder what game I used to play at university.

Fri Dec 11 17:09:33 2020
Comet - all challenges completed
Finally! This book has kept me entertained (and frustrated) for so long, but now all of the challenges have fallen to my numerous attempts to avoid having to kill the people I need to help me. I did enjoy, the time I first completed the book,
, which will remain the personal highlight

Tue Dec 15 01:25:04 2020
Very enjoyable adventure! I especially liked all the in-jokes and SF references.

Thu Dec 17 22:26:45 2020
Thank you. When I was less than a quarter of the way through I tried listing all the references. It was way over three pages at that point.

Sat Dec 19 20:56:47 2020
I was trying the various challenges, and the only ones left are Black Sword Survivor and Workaholic.

But I can't reach the good ending with the Black Sword. It always kills me in the end. Is this random luck, or is there anything I can do to avoid being killed?

Sat Dec 19 21:12:00 2020
I think a fellow called Michael Moorcock can answer that question. ... along with Poul Anderson, Turin Turambar and Kullervo.

Sat Dec 19 21:13:44 2020
Ah, I got it. When you're given an opportunity to ditch the Black Sword before the end, take it. The challenge is to reach the end having wielded the sword, not still clutching it.

Sun Dec 20 01:07:34 2020
Finished all the challenges! Until I did the workaholic one, I didn't realize the green liquid in the apothecary's chamber was useful, or how to figure out what it was for. It's great discovering new things like that even after playing numerous times. I especially like the pacifist challenge, where you just don't kill anyone and the challenge is over at once.

I never found any use for the crust of bread you can get if you fight the thieves at the start, though.

Sun Dec 20 07:16:40 2020
I think a fellow called Michael Moorcock can answer that question. ... along with Poul Anderson, Turin Turambar and Kullervo.

Sun Dec 20 07:22:33 2020
As for the crust of bread this was my homage to Midnight Rogue, if you throw it to the dogs they ignore it.

Mon Dec 21 01:12:56 2020
Gavin, there's a tumbleweed blowin by..............

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