

Mon Jul 16 18:53:39 2012
@C-Star: did you finish Outsider!? The final reference is the middle of a combat.

Tue Jul 17 08:48:23 2012
Ah, Outsider must be one of the exceptions to the rule then. Sorry for the confusion.
I loved Outsider too. A single playthrough takes a pretty long time! There's quite a few twists and turns and the multiple endings give it a lot of replay value. Shame the sequel never happened though...

Sun Aug 5 20:30:59 2012
So I finally decided to try and properly complete Outsider. I never would have guessed just how much I missed out on the last time I played! The book was incredibly long (Thank god for bookmarking!). The plot was really great and I also liked the feature of

The endings were numbered really weird, hence the confusion on which is the best. (Again, sorry Glen) But, due to how satisfying it is, and the fact that it seems the hardest to obtain, I really think that

Mon Aug 6 08:00:52 2012
@C-Star: Don't sweat it. It really is a fantastic gamebook and I'm just happy that we seem to have reached the same conclusion. I kept missing the following:

and that's why I found the 'true' ending hard to reach.

By the way,

Mon Aug 6 11:02:38 2012
The tunnels in the beginning were very confusing. Once you were done there the rest wasn't nearly as mind boggling. I did actually find a use for the scar, but it's not exactly good.

I have a question too.

Sun Mar 10 17:19:38 2013
Hey I have played this site for a while and really enjoy it. However, I was wondering does anyone know the optimum ending for outsider I have tried everything and can't seem to find anything. the farthest I can get is the point where you get killed by all the assassins.

Sun Mar 10 18:13:48 2013

I think I know what ending you got. That's not the best one. To get the best ending, you need to do onr thing with each of your 3 potential fathers.


Mon Mar 11 01:36:25 2013
Thanks got it.

Thu Nov 28 22:57:07 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
Great endings!

Sun Jan 5 12:48:49 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Good book, though the bit with the necromancer was really harsh (lots of random rooms which insta-killed you)

Sun Jan 5 14:57:13 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
did I win?
In short, if you'd reached the best ending, there would have been a message saying CONGRATULATIONS, and the message that you posted to the guestbook would have a star and not a skull. So, no.

That being said, this is what Gavin Mitchell wrote in the 'Hints On Play' section :

This is a complex and multi-layered adventure, and while many encounters and choices will eventually prove fatal, many others will result in one of many possible outcomes that could be considered victory. It is up to you to decide exactly what the word 'victory' means! It could be said that some of the victories have a higher 'level' than others; then again, some forms of victory may appeal differently depending on your personality. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

Treating Outsider! as a game, I always felt that one particular ending had a higher level than the others, and that is the one that I have marked as the best ending. I suspect, though, that Gavin regards a different, less symmetrical outcome to be the best one.

Sat Jan 18 04:53:40 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
slightly lame ending, but gg
For the record, Evan was killed by Eichlan, which is quite early on. This makes me wonder if people are seeing 'THE END' when they are killed and assuming that they've reached the end of the story.

Wed Feb 5 21:44:49 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
That was a magnificent experience. My mind boggles at the mere thought of just how long and how much effort this epic must have taken to write. I can't wait to see something else from whoever made this.

Mon Mar 31 11:44:34 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Wed May 7 12:14:05 2014
Nice to know people still appreciate the best thing I ever wrote and the best thing I probably ever will write. But I don't sleep with hot elf babes anymore, I just teach martial arts - for which my book is on Lulu and Amazon. But no one knows who the final boss of Outsider is. Not even me.

G. Mitchell
Wed May 7 12:18:52 2014
And I never wanted to be an assassin.... hell, readers, can't you guess????? :)

Wed May 7 15:54:15 2014
Was 15 years ago I wrote this one, maybe? But essentially it reflects a time of my life where I expected to wind up a middle class guy with kids, living with 'Eddora' in fact, and It's taken this long and a lot of pain to realise, this isn't me and it never was.

Wed May 7 21:30:05 2014
Sometimes is really insightful looking back at things like what you mention... all the best!

Sand Gauze Wide Snake
Thu May 8 12:19:55 2014
Very true. And to paraphrase the intro what I wrote, there was only on option for one with a 25+ year fascination with the occult. I became a Pagan - and am no longer the OUTSIDER.
Brigadier Darth Salamander, Bar. Plum. Nudge.

Sand Gauze Wide Snake
Thu May 8 12:20:02 2014
Very true. And to paraphrase the intro what I wrote, there was only on option for one with a 25+ year fascination with the occult. I became a Pagan - and am no longer the OUTSIDER.
Brigadier Darth Salamander, Bar. Plum. Nudge.

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