

Gavin Mitchell
Thu May 8 19:19:28 2014
I did, of course, also spend my childhood reading pulp sci fi and gamebooks. Like a lot of mid thirties FF fans. However I also travelled to Wales a lot as well, and recently I spent a long weekend in Carnarfon. I wondered to myselfwhat would have been if I had done marine biology in Aberystwyth instead, and I finally realised - I would have still have joined the aikido society, my lifelong fascination with Japanese culture would still have progressed from a hobby into a calling, and I would be exactly the same place I am now. The dream is alive.

Thu May 8 19:49:21 2014
...and also kicking??? ;-)

G. Mitchell
Mon May 12 10:33:34 2014
Anyone fancy becoming a necromancer for real? Google Raven Grimassi.

Mon May 12 14:24:57 2014
And anyone wanting to see the real me, add me on Facebook.

Sun Jun 15 09:21:14 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Nooooo! Lost my lover to my deranged mother!

Sun Jun 15 09:32:02 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Gosh, that was a lot of death and rerolls, esp the final battle.
I love the idea of companions (and you can even feed them provisions). It's really a lovely story with a sense of humor, I'll think of how to work this into a conversation ("everybody knows that prisoners are bound to ecape if there's someone who can help them conveniently located in the next cell")

My chief gripe, the fact you can't do anything to boost EEddora's stats means the final battle is a bit of a lucky draw if you don't want her to die first.

G Mitchell
Sun Jun 15 09:32:34 2014
Good news burps and gurgles, my heroic fantasy / science fiction book Behind the Mask Part 1: The Hero Who Annoyed Me is now available on Lulu. It can be acquired here; http://www.lulu.com/shop/gavin-mitchell/behind-the-mask-part-1-the-hero-who-annoyed-me/paperback/pr. Andy can you put a link to it on my profile or something please? Ta

Tue Jun 17 06:22:26 2014
That mom ain't deranged. She just evil! Aria has this blindly idealised view of her, that's the whole point.

Sat Jun 21 20:52:22 2014
Oh and the weird bit in the abandoned house was a reference to Blair Witch Project - which 'Eddora' and I saw in oxford back in the day. She threw up.... I also went on a night walk with the Royal Academy of Engineering which came entirely too close. None of us could sleep for an hour after that.

Incubus Horny Horned
Fri Aug 8 16:49:59 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Amazingly detailed. Well-proportioned adventure along with good literature. Well played, sir!

Sun Feb 8 05:33:13 2015
My favorite book on ffproject, and I've played almost all of them. Aria is a much more complex and relatable protagonist than the gamebook genre normally allows for. As for what the true best ending is,

The reason I've chosen the ending I did as the best one is :


I've only just noticed this message : http://ffproject.com/gcomi512727879.htm. I'm surprised nobody's commented on it, even if there have been no further updates.

Sun Feb 8 06:08:15 2015
In my head canon, I also wondered if after the good ending/s, Aria

Of course (as I'm sure you know), you can choose to have Aria follow in the footsteps of any one of the potential fathers.

Sat Feb 28 09:50:38 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i hate the lack of a save function,very fun adventure though

Mon Mar 16 16:48:06 2015
For the record you can spend time with the count, picking up a SKILL bonus, then not save him from the boar.

Mon Mar 16 16:50:05 2015
You can also create save states by copying the URL into a text file.
Or by using the browser's bookmarks/favourites.

Tue Mar 17 01:58:48 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
What was happening in #186? Nice tits?

Tue Mar 17 11:32:21 2015
If you're referring to the parody novels you can find in the library, they're pretty much accurate. Check out the originals if you don't believe me.

Wed Mar 18 21:48:03 2015
I had to do it...


Arriving later than you can bear.

Mon Apr 6 05:01:07 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Once again bad luck and I don't appreciate the language used in this story.

Mon Apr 6 19:24:19 2015
Oh well

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