The Ravages Of Fate


Carol B.
Tue Dec 31 18:33:51 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
I have enjoyed all your games. I would like more options during the game. I finished this game pretty easily compared to your others. I just had to find the right combination

Sat Jan 4 08:23:41 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
An excellent and overall enthralling tale of lore

Sun Jan 5 02:55:29 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
RIP me

Sun Jan 5 11:45:10 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
enjoyed it, but it seemed like the ravage was impossible to kill...

Sun Jan 5 15:43:09 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Not bad at all! Got through it first go, and my chosen field of strength didn't appear to be relevant (I chose stealth incidentally), but I enjoyed it!
All chosen fields are relevant, although it might not always be obvious from the text alone. Each potentially offers a different way of weakening the Ravager, which hopefully tips the balance between a likely victory and a likely defeat.

Mon Jan 6 10:16:40 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Killed ravanger

Tue Jan 7 02:22:02 2014
Star - optimum ending reached

killed the ravager of men

Thu Jan 9 06:49:19 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
The death was to swift, needs more choices

Fri Jan 10 02:28:01 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I liked it, but I guess my tactics weren't good enough. :D

Sat Jan 11 00:19:00 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
This was very engaging! The first one I had done online. Very well worth it, and I am encouraged to try this again and attempt some more of the stories.

Great site and a good interface! It flowed in a very logical and non-distracting way so that the story was able to be entered into and enjoyed in an immersive way...for an experience that I was hoping for.

Thank you!
Thanks very much.

Mon Mar 31 03:45:50 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Only managed to get Ravager down to SKILL 11, STAMINA 60 on first attempt, hoping to do better in second.

Also, I've got an intense feeling of deja vu reading this gamebook.

Mon Mar 31 07:53:22 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Third try, got its STAMINA down to 3...

Mon Mar 31 08:24:41 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Brilliant story, unexpected ending!

Got it on my fifth try, 6 STAMINA left. Never expected stealth to be so useful in that situation. Is there a way to make it to the end without having to duel Ravager 1 on 1 in the end?

Also, will there be a sequel?

Mon Mar 31 08:35:50 2014
BTW, IMHO so far,



so there must be other ways to take advantage of those abilities, which I haven't found out yet.

Tue Apr 1 03:15:21 2014

In the battle against the Ravager, your companions will always be killed until you are the only one left. That's by design, so it isn't possible to save any of your companions.

I know the ending makes it sound like it's setting up for a sequel, but I never intended one. I just needed to finish the story with something dramatic.

With regards to the special skills, there are indeed uses for each that you haven't discovered; but this doesn't mean that they are all equal. I wasn't really concerned with balancing the effect of each, but rather with making sure each could either benefit you in some way or damage the Ravager. So the choice of some special skills could definately be better than others.

Tue Apr 1 04:56:35 2014

Thanks for the reply! Pity there's no sequel...

Mon May 12 06:54:51 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
I enjoyed this adventure a lot, took me several tries to get through it and work out tactics. The ending was both fitting and amusing. :)

Thu May 22 03:32:52 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
So I made my skill role and I died anyway. Is this adventure suppose to be a lesson in futility?

Tue Sep 2 06:42:50 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I didn't win, but my journey was one to remember. I loved The Ravages Of Fate

Fri Dec 26 01:34:38 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Loved the story it was pretty good. Enjoyed my entire adventure.

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