Tales From The Bird Islands


Sun May 18 15:40:49 2014
Hello. Just like to say congratulations to the Author and that in Hummingbird the code is pretty straightforward and that there is no 'one path' to the hut as the entries change every time you visit the area. However one problem I found with Hummingbird and Papagayo is that regardless of which character you choose there tends to be glitches or 'errors' which doesn't allow certain pages to be loaded. My opinion on this is that with having to choos 4 different adventurer's and playing a different text for each one the whole script just seems to have become completely complex and the result is a variety of glitches that occur randomly and stop you from carrying on with the adventure.

Volden Katanar
Tue May 20 14:16:54 2014
Completed Hummingbirds!

P.S. To anyone who's stuck on Isle of the Cyclops, you can buy the ship incredibly easily without completing it. Choose a character with high skill. Leave Han, and go as far north as you can. Explore the wreck. If you pass the skill test, you now have 100 talons (and a +1 scimitar to boot), enough for a boat.

Wed May 21 21:40:44 2014
Thank you for the congratulations, but I think my contribution to this project will become more something like a support for showcasing other (better) authors' job.
You need the dark background to showcase better the stars!

Sun May 25 05:06:08 2014

I wouldn't be so down on yourself (you must be British?) I loved 'Hummingbird' and am quite looking forward to your 'Atoll', if you are still writing it?
I thought 'Hummingbird' was intelligent, well written, fun and original (as far as I can tell). I think of it as the haunted island without the bog standard/stereotypical Ghosts and Ghouls.
To consider yourself as a bit of background is a little harsh on yourself I feel.


Sun May 25 08:44:46 2014

Well, if you really read what I wrote, I'd know that my writing is not the writing of a English mothertongue ;-)

It's not that I'm harsh on myself, but it's a reflection of how high esteeem I have for the other authors involved and of the fact that my professional life (where I think I'm good and I'm proud of my ability) is in totally another field.
I happily worked on this and will keep working on Albatross Atoll for fun and because I deeply love the concept of this project.
I think that my work will be mostly a background (or a atmosphere builder) in the bigger picture of this project and I'm very happy with it :-)

Mike R.
Thu Jun 12 03:48:00 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Fun! I'll have to keep trying.

Tue Jul 29 16:34:29 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Oooh what a great adventure!!

Thu Jul 31 03:23:25 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
thats awesome

Sat Aug 2 08:59:43 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
soooooooo cool. I should have escaped from the crocodile. make more pick a paths like tis and I will be really happy. I think I chose the wrong island to sail to.

Fri Aug 15 03:10:22 2014
I was going to get the hyena again but died coz ya cant do that thanks Connor for helping me at the start

Tufted the downcast
Tue Aug 19 10:32:48 2014
Enjoyed it very much.

Mon Sep 8 20:24:30 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Mon Sep 29 10:40:48 2014
Albatross Atoll

Alessandro Viola's latest contribution to the Tales From The Bird Islands collection is now up and running.

Tue Oct 14 22:52:05 2014
The Sleeping Dragon

I've adapted Tammy Badowski's gamebook for online play. Because it's set entirely on an island, I've crowbarred it into Tales From The Bird Islands.

In the original you are commissioned by Lord Azzur to go to Silhouette Island and bring back 'The Sleeping Dragon'. Here you just turn up at the island for no reason, unless a future addition to the series provides one...

Wed Oct 15 13:36:50 2014
...then i think you should mention Tommy Badowski between the various authors on the introductory page of the Tales...;-)

Phil Sadler
Sat Oct 18 02:23:43 2014
Seems like a good start but it gets old being constantly attacked by the same weak monsters that you've already killed again and again. Surely you should only fight them once? Or perhaps at the combat sections it could instead be a random enemy?
My assumption was that it was a different ISLAND HYENA each time. In many places it is a random enemy, but admittedly the list of choices is not always very long. It's a good point though. Do you know how Fabled Lands deals with this sort of thing?

Tue Oct 28 21:35:23 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Silhouette Island is actually quite a nice one: well done, Tammy!

Phil Sadler
Wed Oct 29 08:42:10 2014
I have played Fabled Lands, but it was many years ago and I don't remember them too much anymore. I remember the freedom though, and the very short paragraphs.

Fri Nov 28 13:44:12 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I enjoyed some parts (the bird-men island and Cyclops islands in particular); but to be thrown into a long, boring and difficult maze and then killed after doing almost everything right was really frustrating.

Fri Nov 28 21:50:03 2014
I do it to torture you.

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