Below Zero Point |
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Robert Douglas Sat Jan 11 00:55:59 2014 |
Hi, I played it through a dozen times just to get the feel of it again. I enjoyed writing this and I'm glad it's now available as an online version (I believe many FFP gamers tend to play this format more than the downloads). Killed in combat several times, another time I foolishly stopped to search Gerry Madoe with the Wasps on my tail - forgot about my own death entry! |
Robert Douglas Sat Jan 11 03:07:35 2014 |
God knows how I managed it - forgot to select the best available weapon until late in the adventure! I'm really proud of the multiple paths in the asteroid and terrorist base, although a downside to this is that sadly readers will miss out on much of the content. Still, at least it ensures BZP has some replay factor. Let you know when I've got Sean Calibre Book 2 completed.... |
ffproject Sat Jan 11 09:17:07 2014 |
Below Zero Point Robert Douglas' sci-fi adventure, apparently written over the course of the last decade and completed in 2011, is now available to play online. Only a week ago the Globesphere made disconcerting news. Details were sketchy, but New Scientist made an educated speculation surrounding its sonorous name: it had to be a doomsday weapon of some kind. YOU are Sean Calibre, renowned Private Investigator. It is your mission to secure this stolen experiment and return it to Federation custody before terrorists can implement its awful vengeance. Play it here |
Gigs Sat Jan 11 16:23:00 2014 |
Andrč Pietroschek Sun Jan 12 03:41:33 2014 |
Dear Robert Douglas, in my humble opinion that was pretty atmospheric fun, and a well-done mix of two genres (PI&SciFi)! Nice, too, to read you are working on sequels! ;-) |
Robert Douglas Sun Jan 12 13:25:55 2014 |
@ Gigs and Andre, Thanks for the feedback - and sorry you both got killed! The sequel is taking me a while: fair bit of planning with the plot, plus it's going to be 500 refs. Hope you enjoy further forays :) Also, please let me know if there's anything that could have done with improvement or was out of place. |
john Mon Jan 13 18:24:03 2014 |
Great gamebook. I can't say how helpful it was to have the extra background info at the start, made everything make more sense. This was an awesome read. |
Robert Douglas Wed Jan 15 06:19:51 2014 |
@ John, Glad to see you made it through alive and that you enjoyed the adventure. It took a while to get BZP online, at first simply because I wasn't happy with it. It was far more basic, very little dialogue, and in fact quite boring....but then I accidentally erased the whole file! This, however, proved most fortunate as it gave me the excuse to write it again from existing notes - this time influenced by plenty of novels and sci-fi, plus being a little older and having that mature approach and perception also helped. A few more edits here and there resulted in a much more exciting version: what you've just played and completed! |
THEZOO Fri Feb 28 16:18:35 2014 |
Phew!! Nice one :) |
Robert Douglas Sat Mar 1 02:24:06 2014 |
@ THEZOO, And so another one's made it through! Not sure what the difficulty factor should be for BZP...medium? I'm still writing the second Sean Calibre adventure. |
At this point it looks like it will be medium difficulty, yes, but I'll give it a few more months to settle down and become a bit more statistically significant before I fill it in. |
Robert Douglas Sat Mar 1 22:38:25 2014 |
@ webmeister You're right, best to wait and see how people get on before we rate difficulty. |
Andrč Pietroschek Thu Mar 6 17:46:19 2014 |
Please let me quote: "In a lush place of beauty, yet one of darkness, seek you the key, to end all distress." That and my own remix of the song "Secret Agent Man" are all it needs to rejoice in this adventure masterpiece! |
Robert Douglas Sat Mar 8 11:44:10 2014 |
@ Andre, I looked it up on Youtube - 'Secret Agent Man' by Johnny Rivers. Are you really doing a remix of the song? J Rivers really did it as a homage to both James Bond and TV series 'Danger Man'. Sean Calibre was influenced by agent Bond, Blade Runner, and Mikal R Kayn (a character in Starblazer comics). BTW, thanks for the compliment! |
Andrč Pietroschek Sun Mar 9 00:21:56 2014 |
I use "Audacity Freeware" to remix my personal copy. I would never abuse the guestbook of dear Andy for monetary self-advertising UNTIL i have a deal with him! ;-) Doesn't the song and what it was based on suit the atmosphere in your opinion? OK, I just cry into another pillow... |
Robert Douglas Sun Mar 9 12:03:32 2014 |
I quite enjoyed J Rivers song, never heard it before you mentioned it and realized I'd been missing out on a great song. Is that the version on which you're basing your own remix? |
Andrč Pietroschek Tue Mar 11 15:21:32 2014 |
Not by my intent, but as soon, as my connection throttle is gone once again I will gladly check it out. The song by lyrics alone IS pretty suiting, in the sincere and humorous versions... it came like a "pop-up window" back into my mind when the 2nd wave of terrorists jumped into my guns & grenades during your pretty cool FF here! ;-) Inspiration is quite a power on occasion. |
Andrč Pietroschek Wed Mar 12 03:49:05 2014 | That was my first proverbial milestone on Agency-stuff. I had never been too fond of the genre, yet the case about that child-molesting freaky was shockingly mature back then... |
bcyy Tue Mar 25 01:09:27 2014 |
Got pwned by the cyborg at the Quasar. OK, so I was not expecting such an early instant death, even though I suspected that the cyborg would be an enemy. Also, I got lured into a false sense of security regarding combat after having rolled a 12 on my skill. Sigh. |
Lucas meyer Sun Mar 30 15:31:26 2014 |
it is one of the best games i played on this sight. |
Tammy Fri Apr 11 04:41:29 2014 |
It's trigger-finger pulls to release a deadly volley of bullets, transforming your head into a bloodied mess. At SK 11, ST 24 and LU 9 I still didn't get very far... |
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