Below Zero Point


Robert Douglas
Fri Apr 11 21:45:47 2014
@bcyy and Tammy,

Yes, I could have used a test Skill or Luck roll instead of giving you the choice to dodge or return 'fire' - but after all the fuss about too many test rolls in my adventures....

Mon May 12 05:18:28 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I really enjoyed playing.

Robert Douglas
Mon May 12 13:10:04 2014

Glad you enjoyed it - and sorry you got killed!

Mike R.
Sun Jun 8 06:31:26 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Soooo clooose. Arghhhhhh!

Mike R.
Sun Jun 8 06:37:30 2014
That was a blast to play, on about my 4th run through, almost there... I got destroyed by a mechanical mechanic, but I WILL try and try again!

Robert Douglas
Sun Jun 8 20:51:18 2014
@Mike R

Sorry you got killed. Like Deus Ex, there are alternate routes in completing the mission. During writing, the asteroid base developed into a complex web of paths; a walkthrough would be a little misleading if players wanted to try a different way. But thanks for letting me know how you died!

Mike R.
Mon Jun 9 08:36:13 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Run through number 5, a memento in my pocket, and some MTV on the tube, and the universe is safe... For now...

Thanks for the opportunity to play (and win) the game. :)

Mike R.
Mon Jun 9 08:39:03 2014
Oops, I meant 9, not 5...

Robert Douglas
Mon Jun 9 23:30:22 2014
The memento was something I'd borrowed from a film, although I could never remember what it was called. Plot-wise, a table-top wargames enthusiast turned out to be the villain. In the end, his nemesis picked up a Napoleon figurine and pocketed it. I thought it was a nice finishing touch with a message: 'I've won - and this will help remind me of what happened here.' Sean does the same thing, although in this case it's a Red Dragon, also an in-game nod to Games Workshop.

BTW, glad you made it...on the ninth attempt.

Tue Aug 5 12:50:48 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Nice one

Robert Douglas
Sun Aug 10 21:19:04 2014
@ M M,

Thanks, glad you completed it successfully.

Mon Sep 8 19:13:47 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Really hard

Robert Douglas
Fri Sep 12 23:57:14 2014
@ Ness,

Sorry you died there. Looks like BZP's difficulty slider might be set to 'hard' as you'd pointed out. Anyway, see how you get on in future forays - that golden star might be just around the corner!

@ Everyone,

Been away on holiday for this past week. Long time spent travelling, things went a bit wrong (as they usually do on trips!), and didn't get to see everything I wanted such as Melrose Abbey and Douglas Castle (the latter might be my ancestral home, not sure which particular branch of the Douglas Clan I'm on) - looks like I'll need another holiday to get over it! On the other hand, it was somewhat colourful and the caravan was a comfortable class. I might go back to the first place we visited which was a Buddhist temple in Scotland. It was undergoing renovations in the wonderful garden there; be nice to revisit there in a year or so, see how they've got on with that. Lovely place and very peaceful. Buddhists don't eat meat of any sort, although the vegetable dishes were very tasty. It was a bit strange having to remove shoes before entering dining hall but I rather enjoyed attending lunch and dinner in my bare feet. Liberating!

Sun Sep 14 02:30:34 2014

Tue Sep 16 00:59:58 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Man, I really enjoy this game! Very well done!
Just sorry I died :P
I'll try again though. thanks for a fantastic evenings diversion! :D

Robert Douglas
Sat Sep 20 13:06:03 2014
@ Stinger,

Glad you enjoyed it - and hope you do okay next foray! There isn't any 'true' path in BZP; more down to choice with some useful (one essential) items, handy weapons, and high stats are always a plus.

Tue Sep 23 22:07:53 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Good game.

Wed Oct 1 08:05:22 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Good read.

Sun Nov 16 12:15:38 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
very good

Wed Nov 26 02:13:04 2014
This is one of my favourite gamebooks on the entire site. I love the PI/SciFi genre crossover aspect of it, and I found it to be well-written and balanced nicely with regards to combat, dice rolls and choices.

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