Escape Neuburg Keep


Tue Nov 4 04:18:52 2014
I tried.

Novels are easier to write then gamebooks.

Tue Nov 4 19:54:35 2014
Believe me: you can do it! ;-)

BTW where can we read your novels?

Phil Sadler
Tue Nov 4 23:37:55 2014
I've written a few short stories but novels have always seemed far too much like hard work.

Wed Nov 5 04:15:05 2014
I don't have anything published right now. Next year, perhaps? I'll let you know. I write horror stories mostly, but lately I've been busy with this gamebook fetish.

Gamebooks are a difficult thing to master. I praise those with the gift for it.

Richard Evans
Thu Dec 4 14:49:05 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Escaped - and died...

Phil Sadler
Fri Dec 5 00:01:11 2014
That's not the final ending ;)

Mon Dec 8 01:09:44 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Wow ... you've taken the creepy, slightly disturbing aspects of Escape from NIghtmare Castle and ramped them up to a torture-porntastic 11!

Tue Dec 16 01:51:33 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I loved it and found it fascinating yet gruesome

Sun Dec 21 04:12:31 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Phew, I escaped with my life and the others that suffered the same predicament as I will be healed as good as new! Very gory, but a great gamebook nevertheless. Kudos Tammy!

Mon Jan 5 01:36:41 2015
I agree with Dark - while descriptive the torture is overdone and there are far too many Tests of abilities. The plot is also flawed as the hero and Margrave in the original adventure cleared the castle of the Southerners. The old Priest the hero aids would also know of any last resistance. That said, a nice try at atmosphere. Try The Bodies on the Docks or Golem Gauntlet for games that really hold the reader.

Thu Jan 8 14:29:55 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
I think this was very gruesome, to say the least.


I did like the writing style though. I could easily imagina what the scene looked like, and I must say, it didn't look pretty.

Thu Jan 22 10:11:37 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Most immersive, although is addressed only to mature audience. A thing that has to be definately mentioned at the beginning of the book.

Paul Miller
Fri Feb 6 12:31:31 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I'm alive. For now. Quite pornographic in its use of gore. Lacking subtlety.

Wed Feb 18 16:04:10 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Good and well thought out

Half Pint
Sat Feb 21 11:47:48 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Well done; a dark and well-written adventure, the only thing was I seemed to complete it rather quickly, - with the guards swarming in and rescuing everyone, having not revealed any information to the priests, but I was wondering if that is the .true ending. Been a fan of Fighting Fantasy since I was seven, nearly thirty now, and always enjoy a well-written fan quest.

Tue Feb 24 09:16:18 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Wow, intense

Phil Sadler
Tue Feb 24 12:34:24 2015
That's the true ending Half Pint.

Tue Mar 17 13:13:15 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Technically adept but seems more like the Saw or Hostel movies than most gamebooks, which gave the player opportunity to solve puzzles, overcome obstacles , defeat adversaries and be heroic. The sexualised violence is especially jarring, like some of Literotica's more extreme entries. That said there's certainly a fascination to this and I shall almost certainly try again.

Tue Mar 17 16:53:18 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Finally defeated this, feeling exhausted and having gone through endless endurance trials like the protagonist... It was certainly addictive but it feels more like a punishment test than a victory. Perhaps that was the intention.

Tue Mar 17 23:11:05 2015
This mini gamebook is only a toothpick in the hordes of jarring sexualised violence gamebooks I've written. Some are so crude I dare not have them put on this website.

Thanks for playing.

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