A Shadow In The North


Fri Jul 17 10:25:00 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I think that the skill of your character is way too low.

Sat Jul 25 09:44:38 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Links too small on iPad. Tapped the wrong link and died. So annoying that you can't go back.

Sun Aug 30 18:17:02 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Really interesting and entertaining, though I died A LOT trying different paths, it all was worth it in the end


Thu Sep 3 07:29:35 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I died to a dark metal gauntlet troll. Aside my untimely death, the story thus far is pretty good. I'll give it a second try soon.

Fri Sep 4 18:54:04 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I've died so many times by now. But I'm making progress.

Sat Sep 5 01:22:37 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Found a bug.

ROOM 209 - the Western Gate. I had only one gold piece left, and yet successfully bribed the guards with "three gold pieces" - nothing was taken from me.

I'm still searching for a safe way through the mountain. Haven't had much luck traversing the tundra, either.
Thanks for mentioning this, however I've had a look and it seems to work for me.

Sun Sep 27 06:45:34 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Blast from the past as I haven't played/read anything like this for 30 years! Really enjoyed it.

Chris Lane
Sun Oct 11 09:15:42 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Great story! But holy moly, what the heck are you supposed to do with an enforced attack strength of 7? I can't get anywhere near it! But, I'm not done trying...

Tue Oct 13 20:57:09 2015
Buy a better sword (and use spells).

Tue Nov 3 11:00:56 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
great book! the best!

Sat Nov 14 21:15:46 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Loved it, thanks

Sun Nov 29 02:09:28 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Great work.

Unlike most gamebooks where choices as simple as to look at something or enter a shop denies the player all the other options, A Shadow In The North allows you to check everything.

However, it falls a little short in content maybe, but that's like asking more of a short movie or book.

Anyway, this is an example of good gamebooks. Cheers.

Shubhanshu Kumar
Mon Nov 30 08:50:51 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Pretty cool. I really enjoyed the descriptions of the first town. Died pretty early. Time for round 2!

Shubhanshu Kumar
Mon Nov 30 09:03:18 2015
Died again... Round 3!

Tue Feb 9 10:25:53 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i talked to a fire and died ... wut

Fri Jan 6 12:34:12 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I got so far and then I died! :(

Sun Jan 15 20:29:11 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
Pretty good game. The structure felt unusual for some reason. Battles and use of magic was good. There are still some spots I haven't investigated, so good job for that. The difficulty of guessing what you should buy was annoying, but expected. Little to critique.
Grade: 98

Fri Feb 10 14:18:14 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
First go, excellent stuff! going to give it another attempt

Tue Aug 29 06:23:49 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
There are 2 ways to get to Surlgrad - the high West way where you met the troll and get the crown from the dying King or the low Eastern way where the goblins are.
On reaching Surlgrad though Thrunvir asks which road you took - if you answer the Western road the mage says the goblins are there, if you say you took the Eastern road the mage says that's the one where the king is.
It looks like these dialog options are the wrong way round, the response to taking the Western road should be the one involving the caravan and the King and the response to taking the Eastern road should be the one involving the goblins.
Other than that it's a pretty good adventure and one I enjoyed.

Wed Sep 27 07:15:24 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
A great storyline and difficult quest. Took me many attempts to complete it but overall really good.

Thu Sep 27 09:28:25 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
its was a fun experience good game

Fri Mar 22 16:05:49 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
death by fire elemental :(

Wed May 29 20:58:31 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I’ll be back!

Sat Mar 7 10:47:54 2020
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Chris Haws
Tue Aug 8 13:09:21 2023
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I haven't finished this story yet, but I am enjoying it immensely. It is true to the spirit of the later FF books, where you could go along the same path over and over until you realise you had done just one thing wrong. It's a big one it seems like its got at least 600 paragraphs, look forward to finishing it!

Thu Sep 7 15:38:02 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
This was pretty good. I especially liked the spells. Provisions don't restore as much stamina as I expected, but there were enough opportunities to either buy more food or gain stamina.

Sat Sep 16 14:17:45 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
So, by and large, this is very good. While I generally have a preference for dark fantasy, I started with relatively low expectations here, since the background, with its obvious inspirations from Dark Souls, is very familiar nowadays. (Admittedly, when this was written a decade ago, "Soulslike" wasn't really a thing yet, so in some ways it was hit by something beyond its control.) On the other hand, you can draw the parallels with more classic (J)RPG plots as well (substitute "flame" for " crystal" and you have the archetypal early Final Fantasy plot).

Nevertheless, Richard Evans places a lot of effort in wringing every last drop of atmosphere out of the premise he went with. I appreciate a lot that the story is not grimdark in a way so many lesser writers approach these things, with overblown atrocities and tortures all over the place and blending into one boring mess. Instead, it's a far more understated yet unmistakable portrayal of a land where everyone does what they think is right, but is ultimately out for themselves ahead of anything else, regardless of how they choose to justify it (if they bother to). Unexpected details like the surprisingly heartwarming glimpse into the mind of two trolls at ref 121 make it all the more convincing. Same goes for when a mundane event (settling to sleep) which would be brushed over in any other story suddenly gets several extra choices and becomes an exhibition of how far your character's paranoia might have gone by then.

This story's 700 refs are put to a great use as well, as while there are deceptively not that many routes at first glance, they expand into a wide range of encounters. Even the goblin army is far more interesting than usual due to being an actual army, making up for their weakness with remarkable organization, and an act of simply charging a sentry is imbued with surprising weight at ref 418 - and that's before we get to the sheer number of choices available to try besides that cool (yet obviously stupid) thing to do. Most of the other encounters involve creatures you may not expect to see at all, and are more interesting still. There are not just choices thanks to spells, but often additional choices thanks to their implications. The moment when casting a Levitate spell suddenly expanded into a choice of three targets was a good example.

Unfortunately, this work is somewhat uneven. As impressive as those "extra" choices, ones which could have been absent and you wouldn't have guessed it, are (everything you can do while looting a certain corpse, itself in a rather out-of-the-way location, is another example, as the options in a tavern you shouldn't really attend in the first place), there are a few things which feel like glaring omissions, and detract from the impression more than I would have liked to admit.


Sat Sep 16 14:34:25 2023
And one surprising issue which had somehow slipped the creator's mind is that your magic usually receives so little reaction from everybody else.


Some minor things which I don't quite get.


I have also discovered some outright software bugs.


Finally, proofreading. Here, it's going to have to take up multiple comments once again. The issue with the lack of punctuation around quotations is the most prominent, but sadly there's a lot more than that - to the point I ended up intentionally triggering obvious trap options just for testing.


Sat Sep 16 14:35:47 2023
Second set of typos.


Sat Sep 16 14:37:14 2023
And the last.


Mon Sep 18 14:08:42 2023
Haviing finished A Flame in the North, I must now note that it spells that one character's name as Xenophon in ref 43, even though a slight majority of the refs here use Xenophont. Make of that what you will.

And couple more typos, present in the options I didn't remember to check until now.


Thu Oct 3 21:07:25 2024
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
tough one!

Sun Mar 9 12:41:30 2025
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
What an enjoyable read.
thank you kindly.

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