A Flame In The North


Sun Mar 9 21:36:46 2014
A Flame In The North

Richard Evans' follow-up to A Shadow In The North is now on the downloads page.

Download DOCX version

Sat Jan 3 08:16:52 2015
A Flame In The North

The second instalment of Richard Evans' trilogy is now ready.

"Listen closely," he says, his face contorted by tremendous effort, "for there is but little time. You must reach Novgard soon and lead an army to the World-Flame. At first we thought that the death of the Northern World-Flame did not affect ours, but we were wrong. Everywhere the other World-Flames are fading, despite all our efforts". Your blood chills, the extinction of the World-Flames would plunge the Earth back into the chaos of its formation; an event that civilisation would be unlikely to survive.

Play it here

Sat Jan 3 14:48:45 2015
Thanks to Andy for putting this up here! I really enjoyed writing it, though now I've played through I've noticed a few typos... Please feel free to put down the most egregious ones, and hopefully either one of us can get around to correcting them.
It's very rare indeed for people to point out such errors, if you've seen any then you may as well send me an email and I will correct them.

Sun Jan 4 16:03:33 2015
Sure, i'll get onto it.

Sun Jan 4 19:23:52 2015
I'll note in the Council dialogue, the reader can (if he wishes) enter an infinite loop of choosing the same dialogue choices.

Wed Jan 7 16:10:14 2015
Iron broadsword gives no bonuses against wraithes - does it only apply to specific types of undead?
I wondered this. In the original, each undead opponent is clearly indicated as such. Wraiths don't have this indication, so I didn't make the bonus apply to them. It's possible that it is an oversight, but it might be that the author doesn't consider wraiths to be undead.

Wed Jan 7 17:12:32 2015
I intended this; I concieved of wraiths as "spirits", different from the "undead" necromantic constructs that you usually fight against. It might not be a fully logical distinction, but I'd rather it were maintained.

Andre Gabriel
Thu Jan 15 18:05:18 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Great game. And great idea. I was a big fan of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone growing up. The possibility to play such "games" again is delightful.

Thank you.

Sat Jan 17 07:34:36 2015
This is a lot harder to beat than Shadow!

Richard Evans
Sat Jan 17 09:03:06 2015
If you're finding it difficult to get out of the city via a certain route, try taking another. There are three different means to escape; and some are definitely easier than others.

Sun Jan 25 23:15:17 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Wow, the titan kicks my butt no matter what I try. Any help defeating it would be greatly appreciated.

Sun Jan 25 23:18:02 2015
Is it necessary to actually escape the city? I stayed in order to help them, help the noblewoman etc, but the titan is hard as heck to defeat. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Mon Jan 26 00:24:02 2015
There are several ways to beat the Titan


Mon Jan 26 03:45:36 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
An excellent ending Richard! Thanks for your prompt response, I highly anticipate the conclusion! You've got a new fan for sure!

Mon Jan 26 13:34:23 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Awesome best thing ever

Sat Feb 7 17:46:42 2015
The trigger for the final battle can go off at moments where it seems impossible. For instance,


It would possibly be too painful to program, but it might help to designate sections where the trigger can't go off.
Yes, you have a point with regard to reference 379. I've already been through the painful part as the timeout isn't implemented as a standard game mechanic but by script commands copied and pasted all over the place, dealing with any one instance of this is not much of a problem. In this case I've moved the (potential) timeout to 479 and 480 which are more convenient situations in which to leave for the walls.

Mon Feb 9 16:25:24 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
I liked it so much..also with the time passing and urging you to visit the districts as swiftly (and minutely!) as possible..with dead ends you have to wander long within..where edible sources are never enough to cast all the spells you'd like to!

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter of this saga!

Tue Feb 10 13:50:36 2015
Does the first prayer answer in the Alachite District mean anything? It references several items which can be found, but


Will they mean something in this episode, or the next one?

Wed Feb 11 01:32:31 2015
One thing I liked was that the "multiple paths" were built very explicitly into the district structure, as well as the references by the characters. In "shadow to the north", it was much more opaque as to what content one might have missed or could seek in a repeat playthrough.

Thu Feb 19 01:48:05 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
A good story

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