Shrine Of The Salamander |
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Zero_Cool235 Thu Oct 15 23:42:12 2015 |
I died after the SAND GOLEM attack in combat... lol I had no stamina! |
pdgross Wed Oct 21 11:19:37 2015 |
Well written and entertaining! Clues given (library especially, humming cave, symbols over tunnels in croaking caves) made logical reasoning about which path to take sensible and reduced amount of luck needed to make "correct" decision. Some of puzzles were fun (USE-ing jar at right time, potion of transformation in lair, spell name at end). |
Mr Jolly Fri Nov 20 12:31:15 2015 |
Nostalgia rush! Took me about twenty goes to do it, not explored everywhere yet. Very enjoyable, nicely written and paced. Thanks! |
phr0ggi Wed Feb 3 06:49:04 2016 |
EXCELLENT!!!! I died after 3 turns!!! I'll be back!!! |
Narcus Sat Sep 10 23:22:12 2016 |
Wonderful random find on the web. Great job will play again |
Lorian Sun Nov 20 18:47:18 2016 |
Very good.
bluejuice915 Sun Jan 15 05:14:00 2017 |
Great play. Finally finished it and still haven't seen everywhere. Greatly enjoyed the gameplay. The spell memorization was a little tough. (I actually made a cheat sheet for times of uncertainty.) But, great story, good battles, and good mapping challenge. Grade: 99 |
Pierre Sat Apr 22 20:27:59 2017 |
Great system! Well done! |
bastian og morten Thu Aug 10 13:25:20 2017 |
this is mega hard |
What? Tue Oct 17 01:28:34 2017 |
I can't just walk out of the caves at the end??? :( |
RogueOne Tue Oct 17 01:48:42 2017 |
Stupid weak
SteveA Sun Nov 18 02:20:58 2018 |
I've played this maybe 6 times so far and WOW, Great work! The feeling is that I haven't even discovered 1/3rd of the adventure so far. Nicely done, Sir! *gives a bow* ... ok, I've got to run for now because attempt #7 is beckoning ;) |
RossN Thu Dec 13 15:53:07 2018 |
This was lot of fun with very good writing, gameplay and book quality illustrations. I'm a huge fan of the Sorcery! series so it was great to return to Kakhabad. |
paul Sun Mar 24 11:55:15 2019 |
death by baddu-beetle! |
Kieran Tue Jun 4 21:36:58 2019 |
Got a lot further than I have previously but the combination of the baddu beetle followed by the skurasha did for me |
Etienne Sat Jan 4 16:06:22 2020 |
I liked this adventure. I just wish it was longer. SPOILER At the end, it would’ve been awesome to have to do the journey back to safety. It would’ve lengthened the story and make for a more satisfying ending. I hope you’ll expend on this story as opposed to write a new one. The spells mechanic sure was a lot of fun. |
William Sun Nov 22 23:18:37 2020 |
Well, this was pretty fun. I made the wrong choice in the cave of the Horntoads and got attacked by them. Apparently, they're endless, so there was no way I could win, but you only face them one at a time and they have relatively low skill. In addition, I had chainmail armor and 12 skill after getting trained by Mercurio the swordmaster, plus a healing potion, so it got pretty ridiculous- I took down something like fifty of them before dying. Well, on to my next attempt! |
Kim Jisoo Mon Apr 19 08:43:59 2021 |
not bad but not good :/ |
Mage Tue Oct 19 03:40:43 2021 |
Ah, this is one I can always get back to. Once you find out which are the most useful spells, the win-rate is close to 100%, even with minimal stats. And it's the last of the books that I'm fairly familiar with. The rest of my nostalgia playthroughs will likely take much longer... |
Fabrixx Sun Nov 14 23:43:57 2021 |
Great story! The only one, I could say I'm satissfied with its ending. I know there might be an ending where I survive, but I don't care, it seems at least complete now. |
Altais Fri May 20 08:39:18 2022 |
Nice, this is one of my favorites to play! :) |
Well Fri Sep 30 19:50:41 2022 |
Well killed 4 horntoad champions. Before they got me |
YARD Fri Sep 8 12:15:24 2023 |
I have to say, it is fun to go through a single author's works, and see how the things change, stay the same, and loop upon each other! While this tale may not involve the adventuring duo that featured in Andrew Wright's first three stories, it is otherwise remarkably full of references to previous works - be it the alcoholic drink from Lair of the Troglodytes, another gastronomically gifted Mind Flayer like in The Black Lobster, bees and beehives playing an important role like in Impudent Peasant!, alongside an infinitely-spawning fight very similar to what that story had. That, and there is also another reference to the canonical Demons of the Deep, like in The Black Lobster, though this time it's clearly a rival of what was probably the most memorable character in that story. The journey is also very fun on its own, although the narrative leaves a questionable aftertaste. In terms of morality, nearly all the canonical stories had been extremely straightforward, and predictably, this applies to a fair few works here as well. Then, an encouraging fraction here genuinely attempt moral ambiguity, which I appreciate dearly. And lastly, there is the uncomfortable category where the events appear far more ambiguous than the narrative is willing to acknowledge. Up until now, Nye's Song was the only example I could think of, and my reading of it may be considered esoteric (is the invasion of England by Thuggee-led undead and demonic hordes actually worse than the Bengal Famine it would have averted?) Here, though, I don't think it's particularly arguable that you serve evil while considering yourself a hero (like most villains do, anyway). Not only do the Salamanders hold a very good claim to the artifact, but your city is literally ruled by slave masters who need the artifact to keep the slaves that toil in the mines in check...and we are heroic for helping them do just that? I wouldn't have minded it if the narrative seemed more aware of it (i.e. A Princess of Zamarra is very clear in its true ending that what you have achieved is hardly a boon for anyone outside of the orc tribes of Khul and Zamarra's ruling classes), but the true ending here is clearly meant to be read as an unadulterated triumph. As for the rest, it's great when the story doesn't just have a lot of artwork, but artwork which was actually purpose-drawn, and not slotted in awkwardly from elsewhere, at times with clear mismatches between it and the text! The spells are fun, too, although there are perhaps too many of them for an adventure of this length, since the balance is clearly off. The Galehorn's spell wrecks practically everything and is just so much better than the rest. Meanwhile, picking a Giant's Tooth at the start is literally a total waste, and there doesn't seem to be any situation where a Fire Water is usable AND preferable to alternatives either. The items you can exchange for provisions also seem rather underwhelming at that point. It doesn't help when some fights deny you spell use for what appear to be balancing reasons, yet seem to have no internal narrative justification for that. (that Beetle, or the merchant, anyone?) And at a certain point, there's some weirdness I'm really not sure about.
Finally, proofreading.
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