Bloodsworth Bayou


Sat Dec 12 10:01:21 2015
Bloodsworth Bayou

Frenchman Street had been decked with lanterns last night, and the jazz clubs thronged with revellers, their faces made oddly skull-like by the half-lights. A bottle of Restoration Ale firmly in hand, you accidentally trod on somebody's foot when exiting the Black Cat. The girl was Creole, and young, and startlingly beautiful, but her mouth twisted into a snarl, and she muttered something under her breath...

This atmospheric gamebook by Cian Gill set in the swamps of Louisiana, which has been on the downloads page for several years, is now ready for online play.

Play it here

Paul Mc
Sat Dec 12 11:26:48 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Im enjoying the story but not quite sure what actually the quest is.
It's in the introduction - you're hoping to get rid of the curse that the girl has placed on you.

Paul Mc
Sat Dec 12 15:20:04 2015
Ahh I see, I missed that when i read it.

Sun Dec 13 02:47:50 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
A voodoo game? Finally! I love my voodoo *Cheers aloud* I did die though at the hands of a ZOMBI PLANTATION WORKER, so I'll have to try again later. This game is slightly eerie, so much so that it requires scary background music.

A.E. Johnston
Mon Dec 14 08:45:49 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
That was fun- it definitely made me want to learn more about voodoo and the ideas behind it. Creepy and clever story, that had a good blend of a classic "Deep South" atmosphere and modern touches to the storyline.

Mon Dec 14 10:48:12 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
no comment

Mon Dec 14 23:47:26 2015
Great setting and ambience, really solid side characters, and suitably gruesome deaths.


Perhaps loses a point for the actual gameplay itself being rather unremarkable though.

Paul Mc
Thu Dec 17 07:07:18 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Ive done it!! Great adventure

Cian Gill
Sun Dec 20 16:56:05 2015
Hey all,

Big thanks to everyone who checked this adventure out!

I wrote it back in 2011, sent it to this site and completely forgot it even existed until a few weeks ago when I got an email to say it was now live!

An older Wordpress version of the game exists, and if you go to you can read a little about the movies and games I had in my head as I wrote it.

I still think it's too wordy, with more atmosphere than gameplay, but I'm still proud of it.

Chris Lane
Sun Jan 3 10:58:38 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Not bad! I died a few times, but when I found the correct path, the game was fairly short. But I enjoyed the unique twist on similar fighting fantasy stories.

Sat Jan 16 17:02:32 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
I loved this adventure! The descriptions of the smells and sights of the swamp made me feel as if I were there trying to save myself from the horrid curse. Nicely done!

Andrč M. Pietroschek
Sat Mar 26 14:07:32 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Interesting and atmospheric story!

Thu Apr 14 00:28:29 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
I succeeded on the first try! I like that. They shouldn't write these things with the idea that their like video games. I mean, in the sense that you die a whole bunch of times before you figure it out. They should feel more like a table top rpg where character death means you never play that adventure again. I've never actually succeeded on the first try with a fighting fantasy gamebook before. This was a good horror adventure. I felt an enjoyable level of vicarious fear for my character. Very suspenseful! Just one question. What were the fear points for? I must have missed reading the rules regarding their use.

Robert Douglas
Thu Apr 14 21:12:29 2016
Hi Jason,
You make a fair point regarding the difficulty of gamebooks. It can prove frustrating getting killed for the twentieth time or so! However, I would say that part of a gamebook's charm is the variety of ways an adventurer can die. There was a time when fans went mad for what was termed 'death entries'. And there's also the challenge many gamebook readers enjoy. Well done for succeeding first try - but perseverance is another trait gained by determining the true path. Most of Jonathan Green's books, for example, are very hard!

Sat Jun 25 20:16:14 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Very interesting and good GB, I'll definitely play it again.

Wed Jun 29 14:20:00 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Spooky and believable.

Glenn Robinson
Wed Aug 10 18:13:01 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Excellent! Died quite early on but very impressed with what I read!

Sat Aug 13 17:41:13 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Ouch I got eaten By zombi farmer but it was great game

Thu Aug 18 18:37:44 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
A good book overall but I would like pictures to show me what the area and monsters look like. A good story though

Thu Aug 18 20:23:05 2016
Anyone know how to achieve the good ending? I try but always die after picking one of the two mirrors which each seem to end in death for me..

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