New Day Rising |
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ffproject Sun Mar 12 15:03:34 2017 |
New Day Rising - The First Incoherent Adventure! After well over a decade, Gavin Mitchell has produced the first episode of a kind-of-sequel to Outsider! Download it here |
Gavin Sun Mar 12 15:23:50 2017 |
Cheers Andy... It is a sequel in fact. |
GG Thu Apr 6 15:19:25 2017 |
New Day Rising looks amazing. Will it be ported to the site? |
Very likely. However, implementing the combat system as described (it features multiple allies each with their own special abilities) would represent an unfeasibly large amount of work. At the moment I'm leaning towards making a version with close to standard FF rules. |
GG Wed Apr 12 01:24:43 2017 |
Wonderful. Thank you for yours and Gavin's hard work. Hope it will still have the allies! To me, Outsider! is one of the best FF books, period. |
It's the allies that are the main problem technically. Obviously they will remain in the story, but for fighting they'll all be rolled into a single entity with one set of SKILL and STAMINA. It will be a bit like Eddora in Outsider! |
Gavin Wed Apr 12 04:14:55 2017 |
Thanks for the positive feedback, I have started the next incoherent adventure / mission though have yet to catch my stride with it. That said I needed a break after writing the first one directly following the other unpleasantness. |
ffproject Sat Dec 23 09:59:10 2017 |
New Day Rising You are Severian, only son of the master necromancer of this castle. Growing up schooled by Liches, you showed more interest in the weapon practice you received at the withered hands of armour-clad Wights. At last your father good naturedly confesses defeat and tells you to follow your dream. Taking some adventuring supplies and plenty of money, you head off to the most advanced and populous city in the region... Altgarten. Finally I've got the online version of Gavin Mitchell's sequel to Outsider! ready to play. I feel I should manage expectations a little: this shouldn't in itself be compared to Outsider! as it is only small, if comparisons are drawn it should be with a single mission from Outsider!. Also, the rules are pretty much standard FF, rather than the complicated system described in the original. As ever, this is down to the amount of time it would take to make it happen. Play it here |
Gavin Sat Dec 23 18:02:06 2017 |
Thanks to Andy for putting this and Day in the Life up, and thanks to A EJohnston for the kind words. |
A.E. Johnston Sat Dec 23 21:04:39 2017 |
I just was playing "Outsider!" yesterday, what a nice coincidence this is about to go up! I will be reading it with an open mind, and no prior expectations compared to Gavin's previous wonderful work- but even if it is a quarter as good I am sure I will enjoy it! Let the adventure begin. |
Gavin Sun Dec 24 23:22:42 2017 |
Thanks again for adapting and posting this. I'm still writing Mission 2.... |
Jordan Tue Dec 26 21:24:08 2017 |
An excellent job Gavin. I hope the romance blossoms. Looking forward to the next one! |
Gavin Tue Dec 26 21:58:36 2017 |
I thank you for your kind words. Interesting you should mention the romance.... I'm now writing each mission separately, and have finally sorted out the paragraph numbers for the first half of mission 2. |
A.E. Johnston Wed Dec 27 10:20:17 2017 |
Great read! I really liked the humor and the fact you got to choose your companions. I also liked that the setting was the same as Outsider! but had hoped for perhaps a few references to the original story (perhaps you could stumble on the old armory/ alchemy lab or something) but that's really just personal preference. Awesome story, if there is a next chapter I hope we can continue with same equipment and items. |
Gavin Wed Dec 27 17:51:28 2017 |
I thank you for your kind words. There's one particular choice you can make in this mission which came out of the blue when I was writing it, which makes it obvious how it's a sequel. Otherwise thanks again. |
Ruenblogger Sun Jan 14 11:38:09 2018 |
Well, that was fun but brief. I enjoyed the descriptions and the irony. And who could have guessed that bringing the cleric with us would unleash a nuke? Oh well...! :-) |
Andrè M. Pietroschek Tue Jan 23 00:23:53 2018 |
I liked the idea to hire a group, but all I experienced was going strictly from fight to fight. A notch more story and atmosphere could help. |
Guest Wed Jan 31 23:14:25 2018 |
When I saw there was a sequel to Outsider my heart skipped a beat. I had considered Outside to be not merely the greatest fan made fighting fantasy book but the outright greatest fighting fantasy book ever made, and were it not for the Fabled Lands, possibly the greatest gamebook ever. But I found this sequel jarring and disapointing. First why is this a sequel to Outsider? It not only has nearly zero connection to Outsider but the tone is wildly, wildly and jarringly different. Outsider was an epic about seeking your identity and possible redemption and this is... a dungeon crawler where you mostly go from one encounter to another with jarringly modern speech and loads of awkward 4th wall jokes? I get you probably wanted to do something different, but announcing this as a sequel and having a seemingly serious intro only to lead into this was very jarring. It's like if Citizen Kane was followed up with a romantic comedy that only mentioned something from that film in passing The party mechanics were interesting (though not integrated into the play as well as it could have been but I felt it was a serious dick move to have the player pick 3 out of 5 companions
Guest Thu Feb 1 07:10:14 2018 |
Was my message deleted? I Left a long and thoughtful hit submit and now its gone |
Guest Thu Feb 1 07:12:52 2018 |
Never mind it was just a gltich with my browser |
john Sun Feb 4 15:56:35 2018 |
Wow, not what I was expecting compared to outsider. Pretty darn funny, though. I'm off to try a few more times. |
Paul Mc Mon Feb 5 22:35:32 2018 |
I died. Basically I took a priest with me as one of my companions and it turned out he was Donald Trump with the red button and he blew the planet up. |
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