New Day Rising


Tue Feb 6 20:40:36 2018
While I'll happily take the blame for all the other shortcomings of this book the priest didn't directly blow the place up, it was the forces of light as part of a mutually assured destruction escalation or some alright fudge or something.

Thu Feb 15 17:54:08 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
This game is very random, everyhting in the game is randomly st and some times the enemy's stamina doesn't decrease while mine does, this is ridiculous.

Fri Mar 2 20:48:33 2018

The reason your stamina decreases while the enemy's doesn't always is because during attack rounds if you don't roll a higher attack number than your enemy, your stamina decreases. If you roll an equal number to the enemy's attack, it remains the same, while a greater number will decrease the enemy's by 2 or higher, depending on what weapon you have. I assume you've played these games before but wanted to let you know in case you hadn't. Also, on to Mission 2!

Fri Mar 2 23:47:14 2018
Thanks but, mission 2? The one review above was sufficiently above as to briefly make me consider quitting altogether. This was only a brief thought, I would still consider continuing on its own merits, but I've not written anything for a long time and my circumstances have changed permanently. Perhaps I might write again one day.

'There hasn't been a gunfight for a long time maybe never but nobody knows for sure.'

Sat Mar 10 16:26:02 2018
I liked the mission quite a lot Gavin.

It was a sharp, short adventure and I liked the banter with the dragons. The comparisons to Outsider are unfair, this book is just fine on its own merits. Also chuckled when:


Could have been a bit longer or fleshed out, but I did enjoy the character designs - especially Jori, Shira and the black dragon - and the protagonist is interesting as an ex-necromancer as well. Would enjoy seeing a follow up with the same cast.

The randomness didn't seem too unfair or egregious, and freshened up the combat some.

Fri Mar 16 02:44:34 2018

I wasn't trying to rush you for Mission 2, I hope that didn't come across as me doing that. I'm just excited for the story to continue and am really hoping for something to develop between you and the fighter, but I do understand that circumstances change. Don't let naysayers get you down, there will always be people that find something to complain about. With that in mind, this was excellent and most of us enjoyed it immensely. I hope all is well.

Sat Mar 24 00:11:38 2018
Thanks to all who posted comments, positive or negative (I read the TV Tropes entry 'Dear Negative Reader' today) I cannot argue but that all your comments are valid, whether positive or negative; still, the story is what it is, and I feel it has its own life. Whether I will ever type out any more of it is something else.

Fri Apr 6 22:31:42 2018
Started Faustius

Crusto Yuckdunk
Mon Apr 16 23:20:26 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
I fought with Jori, Maggot, and Sera the Fighter. For the win!

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 20:59:44 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Very enjoyable... well until my entire party was killed. Will try again.

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 21:07:30 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
OK, this time, not so much did I enjoy this round. The cleric reacted a bit too eager and was served with a devastating loss of his hand, but really, the forces of Light and Good work by simply nuking things?? Oh, well. Third time may be the charm.

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 21:12:28 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Um...o-okay. This was not expected. I guess the rogue would have been more or less one to get back-stabbed from, but the ranger? Really?!?

Well, if at first you don't succeed...

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 21:16:53 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Welp... can't seem to win by subterfuge or by outright attacking at full strength. Not sure how to continue with this. But continue, I will.

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 21:19:03 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 21:36:02 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
LEFT! OMG! LEFT! is that really what was needed???

Henry Chandler
Thu Apr 26 21:37:49 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Fri Apr 27 14:09:42 2018

Wed May 2 22:19:52 2018
Did anyone read Day in the Life by the way?

Sun May 27 23:52:04 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached


Mon May 28 06:52:04 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
OK, this is my first attempt. Got killed by the altar that blew up in a mushroom cloud. Still don't know what it is, though.

It can't be a nuclear weapon or antimatter bomb, since a blast from those things would follow Sedov's laws, whereas the "blast radius expands with the speed of light" for whatever was under that altar. Maybe a miniature blob of neutron matter accelerated to 0.999c?

In any case, I hope I'll learn what that was in a future attempt!

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