New Day Rising


Mon May 28 14:30:26 2018
Given that I have never heard of any of this the best conclusion is 'a wizard did it'

Tue May 29 02:25:22 2018
True - living in the real world too long has dulled my imagination.

Tue May 29 19:09:16 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
For some reason I left this up for a few days before finally writing this comment. This was a nice quick play, and for that it did really well. I'm still certain I missed a few things and might come back to find the rest of them, but what I did find, I enjoyed. The choice of who you take onto your team is really great. Don't really have anything bad to say, except maybe show what your teammates stats are somewhere. 99/100

Fri Nov 30 02:50:46 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
Can't wait to see what happens next!

Fri Nov 30 02:53:28 2018
Also, maybe I'm missing something, but does the chain whip you can get at the start serve any purpose?

Fri Nov 30 04:27:06 2018
Originally Maggott's starting whip only does 1 point of damage, the chain whip does 2. There would be various other stronger whips lying around to offset this.

Tue Jan 8 22:20:49 2019
One of my goals for 2019, second only to that demon game Leiber claimed existed in all dimensions, is to continue with this. However I have to say the recent Fighting Fantasy audio dramas have been more inspirational than the second mission, currently at 8000 + words and counting.

Sun Mar 17 10:43:31 2019

Mon Mar 25 10:35:30 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
green dragon took us apart. :(

Thu Apr 18 20:17:25 2019
The second mission of New Day Rising is now available at

Tue Apr 23 21:10:00 2019
New Day Rising - Another World

The second mission for Severian and his team. Download it here.

Wed Nov 20 20:39:59 2019
Short, fun, quite different though, compared to the "prequel", which i played awhile ago. Yet I would love to play the next chapter (will it happen?).

Wed Nov 20 20:48:55 2019
"Will it happen" on this site, I meant.

Thu Nov 21 04:07:55 2019
Mission 2 is available here in text form if that's what you mean.

Thu Nov 21 15:54:45 2019
Thanks! Downloaded it already.

Fri Nov 22 07:17:41 2019
Thanks I've had no feedback at all on that

Sat Jan 18 23:46:17 2020
I have the sudden hankering to continue Mission 3 Set in Stone, for better or worse. Guess I can only play Might and Magic Heroes so long.

Sun Jan 26 10:44:54 2020
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Brilliant, worrisome.

Fri Apr 3 17:36:36 2020
It's the lock down, and while my primary goal is reading and secondary goal is online wing chun tutorials, tertiary will be continuing this. If I get to it.

Ren Xuan
Thu Apr 9 10:35:49 2020
Star - optimum ending reached
well this one is better than others!

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