A Day In The Life


Fri Oct 7 08:54:01 2022
Not if you got a skull no

Rio Aryo W R
Tue Mar 14 02:23:54 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Wow, I finally finished this story and got the golden ending!

Sun Aug 20 12:39:10 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
I have beaten this one before, a couple of weeks ago, but now I decided to try again while actually having the music from bands mentioned in the text whenever they come, and it's certainly more fun that way! (Speaking as someone who is only mildly connected to scene, having never been to any concert and whose favourite band is Nightwish, having heard little from any of the 5...6...? bands mentioned in the gamebook.) I wonder what it would take for FFP to include support for embedded audio in addition to (occasionally) embedded pictures?

Out of the three Gavin's gamebooks I have played on here (this one, Outsider! and New Day Rising) it's actually this one which I consider the "best", in the sense of being the easiest to recommend. Yes, an epic like Outsider! is absolutely a landmark, yet it is one of great highs and great lows alike, and the path it follows is not as well-trodden as some others in the genre, but still at times (overly) familiar. This is just an unashamedly fun work, with a premise an average person would never think of, full of lived experience (forgive me if that term has become ironically lifeless in the recent years) and that is perfectly scoped to achieve all its aims.

Thu Sep 21 05:05:01 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Short but fun!

normal person
Thu Apr 4 07:10:27 2024
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
this was kind of ridiculous.

Fri Jul 19 09:19:50 2024
Seven years ago that I wrote this one... had the idea of going to Bloodstock this year but constant chronic foot injuries are a factor against it.

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