A Saint Beckons


Robert Douglas
Mon Apr 20 14:50:43 2020
Thank Andre :)

Benoît Smith
Mon Jun 22 13:09:10 2020
Congratulations for your interactive fiction! I'm trying my wits and luck with the PDF version you introduced as an entry in the 2015 Windhammer Prize, and wondering: besides changing the rule system, which updates did you give it?
I can't remember making any changes apart from, as you say, the use of different game mechanics.

Benoît Smith
Thu Sep 3 13:17:21 2020
Hello again,

Please accept my apologies if it's the wrong place to ask about this.

I'd like to know more about the copyright status of A Saint Beckons (both in Windhammer and FFProject version).

I'm considering a French translation, in order to make it downloadable on the non-profit, IF-related website http://www.litteraction.fr.

Please let me know if there could be any issues about that.

Robert Douglas
Tue Sep 15 23:00:19 2020
Hi Benoit,
Thanks for showing interest in 'A Saint Beckons'. Copyright of gamebooks on this website and Chronicles of Arborell (Windhammer version) belong to the authors. If you wish to do a French translation for litteraction.fr. that would be great! One thing,

Wed Sep 16 08:55:32 2020
As to the translation...

Benoît Smith
Wed Sep 16 10:28:37 2020
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your blessing and pieces of advice! I guess that translation will ne a nice challenge! :)

Robert Douglas
Wed Sep 16 10:52:15 2020
Hi Benoit, hope it goes okay :)

Blair, the Space Pirate
Thu Oct 15 02:45:39 2020
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
First story, first try. Enjoyed it. Will be checking out others.

Thu Oct 22 13:11:18 2020
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
damn... short journey but this is the first i've seen of this site, and i'll be returning many more times :)

Al Sander
Tue Nov 10 03:03:43 2020
Very much enjoyed this. Didn't get the Mace, so narrowly lost the final fight.

Found the initial paragraphs a little frustrating as it appeared that the outcome was always predetermined, but once passed this the pacing of the story and structure of the mystery were excellent.

Benoît Smith
Mon Nov 16 18:01:54 2020
Hi Robert,

As I read the story once again, striving to translate it in smooth French, something about one key element somewhat disturbs me - belatedly, I admit.
The dream the hero discusses with Prior Abbot Richmond then - optionally - with Brother Roubert doesn't seem to be mentioned earlier in the story. Is the reader supposed to imagine the dream in retrospect (based on the conversations), or may I have missed some previous information?

Any hint would be appreciated!

Robert Douglas
Tue Nov 17 22:26:34 2020
Hi Benoit,


Robert Douglas
Tue Nov 17 22:31:58 2020
Hi Benoit,

Benoît Smith
Tue Nov 17 23:12:14 2020
Hi Robert,

Thank you for such explanation - and for confirming that choice of narration was intentional and I hadn't missed anything :) However, I'm afraid I'm still confused...

Anyway, I'll faithfully stick to that approach of yours in my translation - just subtly adjusting my sentences so that the French reader doesn't feel like some part of the text has been lost along the way :)

Robert Douglas
Fri Nov 20 11:35:18 2020
Hi Benoit,

Benoît Smith
Fri Nov 20 22:02:44 2020
Fair enough! Thank you for clarifying this.

Wed Dec 2 03:09:17 2020
OK, so, I got the divine mace, then there's two options, both of which lead to instant death. Is there something I need to do before I get the divine mace?

Benoît Smith
Sat Dec 5 23:52:58 2020
Hi Robert,

Another question, this time about a certain character:

Robert Douglas
Sun Dec 6 18:04:46 2020
Hi Benoit,
Thanks for your question

Benoît Smith
Sun Dec 6 21:27:26 2020
Hi Robert,

Thank you. Actually, the "mystery" option somewhat appeals to me ;)

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