A Princess Of Zamarra


Wed Dec 30 12:43:28 2020
A Princess Of Zamarra

You, like many orcs who fought for Ostragoth, have found your calling as a sellsword to the highest bidder. Sometimes you have been hired to protect caravans or to raid them, to serve wizards or to slay them. Sometimes you have fought alongside your fellow orcs in these endeavours and sometimes against them. It is all the same to you so long as it pays well and gives you an excuse for some bloodshed...

The online version of Kieran Coghlan's Fangs Of Fury sequel is now ready to play.

Play it here

Wed Dec 30 16:09:28 2020
Just completed this, and it was a lot of fun. I especially like how the various little things you can pick up or learn (wooden medallion, mirror, secret room in the cellars) play into the solution.

Wed Dec 30 17:22:37 2020
Star - optimum ending reached
Awesome job, I know this is a sequel but it's definitely stand-alone material as well. Double crossing has never been more fun.

Wed Dec 30 19:13:02 2020
Thanks for creating an online version!

Thu Dec 31 08:02:02 2020
Feels like the first new FF in a while and, oh, is it a good one. One of these complex sequences would be enough to impress me, but you managed to fit quite a few in, plus a decent smattering of unlikely item uses. Can't fault the plot, either!

Sun Jan 17 00:10:01 2021
Star - optimum ending reached
Great game! The "Princess" should have kept green skin though, to be a real beauty.

Paul Mc
Mon Jan 18 20:26:36 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I'm enjoying this book, there seems to be alot of good "bad endings though" where you end up on another adventure.

Sun Jan 24 15:20:49 2021
Hilarious. One of the funniest books ever written. My god the amount of people you have to stab in the back to be royalty.

Mon Jan 25 23:29:32 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Fun! :-)

Wed Apr 7 07:59:31 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
nice game

A.E. Johnston
Thu Apr 15 04:23:57 2021
Star - optimum ending reached
What a fantastic read! It has been a while since the site was updated and this story does not disappoint!
The concepts of the orc and princess portions of the story were very imaginative and I enjoyed both the more physical fighting portion of the story as an orc, and the portion as the princess relying more in intrigue and gathering information.
Well done!

Mon Apr 19 08:37:45 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
it was good very enjoyable

Mon May 17 11:36:44 2021
There’s a bug. At reference 471, if you have the black stone, you can choose to return to bed instead of opening the king’s door. You can then choose to do three things, hunting, reading, etc...

After that, you can choose to open the door or return to your room. If you choose to go back to your room, the cycle repeats infinitely. This might be a shortcoming from the book itself.
Thanks, I'll look into it.

Tue Jul 13 21:46:10 2021
Really good. The writing was better than most and while you did need to do a number of things to actually win, there's more logic than the usual "check everything or die" nonsense too many of these books fall into.

I also like there are numerous fail endings where the protagnist gets away unharmed instead of all but one road leading to death.

Sat Aug 7 00:54:41 2021
I am replaying the hell outta this one as I can't seem to get it right. And the simple fact that its a ton of fun! Thanks.
Advice, what's the best skill to learn in my new princess's body? I keep choosing royal family history as I feel I need that to impress a group of robe wearing crazies. Ok I'm being harsh, but I hope, vague? :P
Any general hints would be appreciated and would save me a ton of clicks.

Sat Aug 7 13:37:21 2021
I choose Etiquette, i think it's the best one but im not certain

Sun Aug 8 05:35:15 2021
Seems as if choosing Etiquette would save me a bunch of rage points. That about right?
Although my luck kind of plummets after a while too.

Fri Oct 8 08:52:25 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i failed the mission :(

Thu Oct 21 18:44:07 2021
Star - optimum ending reached

Twilight Princessa
Thu Oct 21 20:57:30 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
well crap some damned elf bandit stole my ring and that was the end of it. well, it's not like i wanted to work for a murdery betrayin wizard anyways.

Power of the hoe
Fri Oct 22 05:16:34 2021
i too want to be a ork

Mon Nov 15 02:38:35 2021
Star - optimum ending reached
This was really great! Thank you for making these I look forward to doing the others.

Sun Dec 19 15:37:26 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
My luck ended too fast lol

Fri May 20 08:43:31 2022
Awesome job! This is very satisfying, one of my favorites to play! :D

Sat Oct 8 16:56:05 2022
Why are you not given the option to spare Mawrogh when you

Fri Mar 24 14:55:17 2023
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I want the previous game.

Fri Mar 24 15:04:45 2023
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Is there an ending where we marry the princess?

Sat Jul 22 23:11:31 2023
No but

Sat Aug 12 06:51:59 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Such an excellent work! By now, I have finished 11 gamebooks out of 56 or so that are playable online here, and so far, it is definitely my favourite - and it's not even close!

I really love the characterization of essentially everyone (from the fiercely independent-minded orcs to those in the royal court) and the incredible extent of choices you get. I won many times, and I still discover new things on every run! Just now, I found out how useful the Antler can really be, letting you skip a fight I was convinced was mandatory on that path. I love that the attention to detail even extends to something like that minor interaction between the black stone and the magic tooth.

I do need to point out a significant continuity issue. Essentially, the Fencing skill is less useful than it should have been, because the rapier you are supposed to have (and which is explicitly mentioned in some refs afterwards) is not actually added to your inventory!

Another important continuity issue: sometimes, you get ref 59, the one with this line


But then Mawrogh is still alive after that. Perhaps it's possible for one to survive that, but shouldn't there at least be a line alluding to that kind of injury? Alternatively, he can only survive when you do everything right to see that happen.

It would also be amazing if the "true ending" (and perhaps even some of the "not the best, not the worst" endings) changed slightly if Mawrogh was still alive at the time, but I suppose it would be up to Kieran whether or not to update this. Same as with the issue pointed out in an earlier comment


To be fair, it IS a pretty unlikely turn of events to have both still alive at the time. After all, you have to


So, it's easy to see how taking this sequence of events (which requires both specific choices and specific dice rolls to occur) into account was overlooked. I also wonder if


Either way, what I find really weird is that even Capula is actually a slightly superior opponent to Grauch, who is meant to have incomparably more combat experience. I guess setting Grauch to 9 skill might be way too brutal for 7 Skill runs (and Skill 8 also fits with that Unlucky bad ending you might get from trusting her abilities too much) but what about buffing her Stamina? When you change forms, your Stamina is altered by 4 points: wouldn't this suggest that if Grauch ever ended up getting the ring, she would be reduced to the tiny 3 Stamina? Granted, Zerraz also has only 7 Stamina, but this can at least be described as the consequence of all the scars he has. I think she should have 4 more than now (11), so that she is not unquestionably the weakest member in-game, if not in-narrative, and to make her less of a pushover on her own. You can always say that her calm spear tactics meant she received the least injuries of the (non-playable) orcs assembled.

Finally, a couple of typos.

22: Probably "dwarves" rather than "dwarfs"?

127: I believe it should be "sheathes", not "sheaths".

143: There's a missing space after the comma.
Thanks once again. You now get a rapier, Mawrogh dies when he is supposed to, you no longer stand alone when Grauch is still alive, and I've fixed the typos (dwarfs is apparently correct though).

Sat Aug 12 07:29:10 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Two more typos, both in what I guess is the Laski pathway.

348: Quotation marks are opened but not closed.

379: "another solider".

I haven't tried his path before, and it's surprisingly more viable than I thought. Not one but two skills taught by Perrault allow you to win comfortably here, with the main obstacle probably that one skill check which you can only avoid

and the other one


Sun Aug 13 02:31:18 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Thanks for the prompt fixes! I went ahead with some testing on this run, and I can confirm that the continuity issues with the two Orcs are gone. (Also makes me wish even more that Mawrogh staying alive was reflected in more subsequent refs, since it's now a very specific outcome that's partly down to luck.)

The Rapier is now present in your inventory too, but it seems that unlike, say, the Magic Helmet, which always works, you have to press "Use" on the Rapier to get any benefit out of it. You then get the weirdness where Capula charges you because she sees you carrying a rapier, but you'll still be fighting her with a dagger unless you explicitly specify that you would be using a rapier. I almost wonder if the rapier should just replace the dagger outright. After all, I don't think there's any real narrative significance to that specific dagger?

Sun Aug 13 12:45:03 2023
"(dwarfs is apparently correct though)"

I had to look deeper into this, and the history is considerably more complex than I thought. I thought it was only correct as a verb in the real world, but it turns out that the plural form of "dwarf" in fantasy can technically be either, but there has been a shift over time.

In the really old, pre-Tolkien times, it was in fact meant to be "dwarfs".


But then, Tolkien used "dwarves" in The Hobbit and beyond.


It turns out he even had to fight with his editors to get that spelling!


And now, I think dwarves is the far more accepted version. There is even a game on Steam with that title!


(And it was apparently based on some fantasy book as well.)

Fri Sep 8 23:03:12 2023
Fair point regarding sparing Mawrogh from the skeletons. Can't remember now if I mistakenly didn't think it was possible for him to still be about or I just didn't think of him at all - a definite mistake either way.

My idea behind this one was to have a wide array of paths but still have a fairly strong story - it's an approach I also took with my earlier Songs of the Mystics and I think it fit well with writing a sequel to a Luke Sharp book since his books had unusually wide branches for FF.

Fri Sep 8 23:13:39 2023
And yes, I prefer 'dwarfs' - Tolkien be damned!

Sat Sep 9 08:37:12 2023
Hehe, not actually a huge fan of Tolkien myself, let alone some of the legacy he's left on the genre (which, to be fair, might include the plots of the most typical FF books.)

Now, I have to ask: Songs of the Mystics? Revenant Rising?! (Mentioned by you in another thread.) Other than the gamebooks already present on here (including To Catch A Thief , which is apparently the only one that still hasn't been digitized) how many more did you write, and is there a reason why they are apparently only available from elsewhere? It's certainly far more convenient for us, the readers when everything is in one place, at any rate.

Sat Sep 9 14:51:22 2023
I like Tolkien, just not how he spells dwarfs!

Revenant Rising and Songs of the Mystics were both written for the Gamebook Adventures app series so I don't own the rights for either one. I think the former can still be obtained as part of the Gamebook Adventures 4-6 compilation. The latter isn't available anywhere as far as I'm aware.

Apart from those, there are a few other 50 sectioner competition entries that I wrote between 18-20: Sanctuary of Souls, Feathers of the Phoenix and Treasures of the Briny Deep. There's also two other Windhammer entries - Behind the Throne (an 100 section Three Musketeers tribute written between Hunger of the Wolf and Waiting for the Light); and The Experiment which is, ultimately, probably best forgotten. I think they're all floating around the

I also wrote two gamebooks for the Fighting Fantazine - Prey of the Hunter (Issue 3) and Hand of Fate (Issue 10). You can download them from the fantazine website.

I have intended to tweak some of these for uploading here but never quite got round to it!

Mon Mar 4 14:25:34 2024
Star - optimum ending reached



Thu Aug 1 21:56:22 2024
Star - optimum ending reached
Really enjoyed this one. I might try to make it into a game

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