Escape The Asylum


Sat May 14 10:07:12 2022
Escape The Asylum

Growing stronger by the second, you spy the full syringe and gently lower yourself to pick it up. You grope at the orderly's fat neck until you feel a throbbing artery and plunge the needle into it, expelling the drug into his system. Now he will be out for... well, you don't know. For long enough to escape... you hope!

Ulysses Ai's recent Lindenbaum competition entry is ready to play. Ulysses has now added some pictures that illustrate the sign puzzle.

Play it here

Sat May 28 05:18:39 2022
Interesting ending...

Sat Jul 2 04:37:40 2022
Star - optimum ending reached
That was interesting indeed, a bit of a puzzlee to figure out the way out. Thanks for another awesome game Ulysses and I hope a sequel is coming soon.

Relaxed Orange
Fri Sep 2 02:19:14 2022
Star - optimum ending reached
Short and easy (unless there are some other endings or secrets I don't know about). Honestly I can't really rate this one well at all. I like unusual settings but there's not really much original or memorable in this one. Sorry to be a downer.

Andre M. Pietroschek
Mon Sep 5 13:11:35 2022
My first run thru failed, as I only found a fire-axe, but nothing to remedy the ``dehydrated´´ status. Nor did I find a way out.

Thu Sep 15 20:04:18 2022
Star - optimum ending reached
Did it. No mapping. Im free to kill the sinners

Thu Dec 1 07:22:47 2022
Star - optimum ending reached
Are we sure the main character wasn’t crazy? Seems a bit of a nut! Good read.

Wed May 17 15:57:13 2023
Took me a while to figure out what was going on, and to be honest I’d worked out the ending before I could see how to get there. Nice concept though and short enough to stick with it!

Tue Jun 13 20:38:43 2023
Star - optimum ending reached

Sun Jul 2 20:48:27 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
I enjoyed seeing the words becoming progressively more and more readable... :)

Wed Aug 23 14:16:53 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
OK, so this is it?

Finished this on the first try. Sorry to disappoint, but it involved no special feats: simply walking in circles a bit, getting two clues on the first floor, going up, two more clues on the other floor (and I suppose getting refreshed by the outside air a bit) then going down and going in what felt like circles again until the exit sign cleared. Can't say that the main character or his insanity was particularly interesting either.

At least the artwork for clues and the like is nice, and the story is largely typo-free. The exceptions seem to be:

"There is only one vehicle parked there, an white van"

"to supress the truth"

Wed Aug 30 04:46:12 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Interesting ending, especially with the main character being homicidally insane. But there was a lot of wandering around through a maze of pretty bland descriptions. More clues or hints about our state of mind would have spiced this up a bit.

Mon Sep 18 00:19:43 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
Thats a crazy ending!

Wed Sep 20 11:15:42 2023
Star - optimum ending reached

The Crazy Guy
Sun Oct 1 17:40:08 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
I will purify the world! Maybe...

Wed Dec 13 17:35:45 2023
Star - optimum ending reached
This was my first Fantasy Fight book and it was pretty fun. I kept getting lost in the hallways but that was the fun of navigating and picturing my surroundings.

Sat Feb 10 10:00:13 2024
Star - optimum ending reached
Finally completed this

Ripe Grumpy
Mon Mar 18 14:53:38 2024
Star - optimum ending reached
It was a bit repetitive.

Fri Apr 5 17:24:30 2024
Star - optimum ending reached
So fun and imaginative. Managed to make it through on my first try without dying through memory but very much enjoyed

Tue Apr 30 12:03:25 2024
Star - optimum ending reached
i enjoyed it

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