Midnight Deep


Sun Apr 10 19:14:21 2011
Can someone give me a hint as to which item I need to solve the middle path in midnight deep? I know it was somewhere in one of the earlier pages, but really don't want to spend all the time it would take to find it.

Tue Apr 12 13:12:34 2011
Alright, you can disregard my earlier post. I've figured out what it was, but must say that I think balance and evil should have been reversed.

Tue Jul 17 19:20:58 2012
I am having trouble with midnight deep. I Keep dying as soon as I enter one of the black doors the the cube and the serpent and the other thing.

Sun Jul 22 18:13:44 2012
@Ulysses: I can't wait! Actually, I lie: yes of course I can wait, and please take your time to perfect it to your complete satisfaction. Still, I must say: I can't wait!

@O H: Sorry I didn't see your message before. Which part exactly of Midnight Deep is giving you trouble? You can click on "spoiler" to write invisible text, and explain the part of the story you can't overcome in more detail. In particular:

Sun Jul 22 22:28:09 2012
I am having trouble getting through the three doors after entering the ruins. I do not seem to be getting any of the tokens that I need to pass.

Tue Jul 24 10:36:43 2012
@O H:

There are a couple of things you need to do to get past this point. Let me give you an example of one way to proceed. Just tell me if you're still having trouble and I'll provide some more details, but remember it is always the most fun to work these things out on your own.


Sun Dec 9 17:48:43 2012
Hey i need help on midnight deep how do i get past the 2nd dream with the doors

Sun Oct 20 22:56:34 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
wot happend

Thu Nov 14 21:04:14 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
While climbing the Greyspires, around about the time of shaking a Tiemuraz supporter with a rockslide from pursuing, my skill was set to a value of zero, making the next fight impossible. Frustrating, as it took about 6 attempts to get that far.
Thanks for pointing this bug out, sorry for the inconvenience. I've now fixed it. You can resume your game here.

Sat Dec 7 04:42:31 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
It is a good day to be alive

Fri Jan 3 20:57:39 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Beast real good

Mon May 26 16:49:42 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Far too many different results, not enough explanations. The sAme paths produce different results. An impossible story that is simply confusing and I'll defined. No win is possible due to a lack of understanding in the story. What has to be done is not explained nor can it be worked out. Do not play at the cost of hours of wasted time

Tue May 27 18:03:57 2014
When posing riddles in the game, they must be answerable. The riddle posed by the dood halfway through cannot be answered without prior knowledge of the system. All riddles have logical thought processes attached to them. This on does not explain the days of the year, nor the months yet the reader is expected to know them.....how??? The read is also expected to randomly work out the growth rate...again, how?? There is also a logic fail in the question which doesn't work. The reader is told that the lilies grow every year however when you investigate the riddle it is apparent that the riddles cannot grow every year and only bi annually. It is also eternally frustrating when there is only 1 and 1 path only you can follow or you will die without any chance at all.....because that's so realistic

Sat Nov 29 08:52:30 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Died: "To walk upon this path, you must possess the tokens of balance, whose significance only Lord Logaan the Trickster may fathom."

But I've got the Steel Cube in my inventory.

Is this a bug? What, I need other stuff? I wasn't left a lot of time to explore...
You do need the cube, but you need another item as well.

Early on you make a choice between three doors - light, misty or black - and receive either an ankh, a steel cube or a bird's skull. This commits you to a particular choice of door at Shadnezzar, but you also need to have found something else along the way. It's a different item for each of the three paths :


Razz Elsul
Fri Jan 2 15:10:39 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Excellent adventure!
Perfect atmosphere, good work.
Quite a bit of work too;)

Fri Jan 9 17:46:47 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Man, I hate it when I die in some random 1v1 fight, because of bad dice rolls. :P Oh well, I really enjoyed the story (as far as I got) and will definitely play this again until I reach the end.

John Dow
Thu Oct 6 13:39:02 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Great. Loved it.

Lucas Garcia
Tue Nov 29 19:33:44 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Amazing! Very imersive, its my first time playing this genre on browser.

Tue Feb 14 07:14:57 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
what the hell are the tokens

Tue Feb 14 14:27:42 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
i did it

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