House Of Horror


Tue Jun 23 15:01:24 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Very fun and spooky. And difficult. One gruesome death down, time to restart!

Fri Jun 26 00:16:56 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I died (:

Sat Jun 27 13:00:40 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I hate random deaths with no telegraphing.

Common Joe
Mon Jun 29 02:15:45 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
fuck this fucking shit this fucking game is juiced, impossible to move without the whole fucking hell to rise upon against me, ill try to be more discreet the next time.

Mon Jun 29 03:38:47 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
wtfisthisshit i tried a lockpick and it called me a cheater. A CHEATER? U DA FOCKIN SHITTER.

Paul Mc
Mon Jun 29 04:02:50 2015
What do you mean Gregg??

Paul Mc
Sat Jul 4 18:11:42 2015
I must say unsatisfied joe, the lockpick out of every game I have ever played is my favourite ever bad ending. It was hilarious and taught me to read the gamebooks properly and enjoy the literature rather than skim through quickly to the next decision.

Sat Jul 4 21:46:23 2015
I'm glad you appreciated it, Paul!

I must say, though, that the lockpick option definitely translates better in the written version of the game, when a player manually keeps track of the items found. In that case, there is no question of whether a player is cheating, since he or she is turning to the section for an item that they do not have.

This is less clear in the online version, where in most cases such an option would not be presented in the first place.

Tue Jul 7 05:40:19 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
After all that searching and I died too early thanks to the room with the painting in it! I would say it was a waste of time reading this but it was a very good read indeed. Enjoyed it very much. I like old houses. Will play this again for sure.

Tue Aug 4 23:26:34 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Finished...fiuuuu!!! It took me half a day but it worth the time spent on.Great book and really a difficult one,the only "downside" of the whole experience is that you MUST take the only one path AND make the only right actions to escape alive from the mansion and see the true ending...well,otherwise,a great of the best for sure^^!

Sat Aug 8 21:46:58 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Well, that escalated quickly.

Mon Aug 10 17:28:04 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Mixed bag! The story's intriguing and it does make you want to explore more, but the hurdles in order to get anywhere in the early game are huge, and the instant-deaths are kind of arbitrary. The middle sort of stretches into long segments where certain areas result in long paths which all end up in the arbitrary-death scenario, and one or two of the outcomes don't make any sense in the same setting (example, you're fighting with someone who has a very real chance of killing you (1st outcome) or if you defeat them transpires never to have been there at all despite their ability to physically wound you previously and then you're instantly-killed by something totally irrelevant (2nd outcome) or they go and get help despite the fact that they don't exist (3rd outcome). It makes it a little frustrating, but that didn't stop me sinking a few hours into it, so I can't argue with that!

Thu Aug 27 10:26:34 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Wed Sep 23 08:13:28 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
way to implement karma into this, there i was thinking i had escape just to die in a car crash, funny enough :) very similar to house of hell but it's ok

Thu Oct 8 19:36:08 2015
Thoroughly frustrated.

I get that



Fri Oct 9 22:01:02 2015
You're close.


Mon Oct 12 15:55:02 2015
Thanks, meschlum! That did it.

Thu Oct 15 23:34:54 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Well I died...

Sun Nov 1 23:50:36 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Some prick killed me in my car

Fri Nov 6 09:32:57 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

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