House Of Horror


Wed Dec 23 09:05:04 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
it realy was an authentic experiance for me i really enjoyed it

Wed Dec 23 09:20:40 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i fell in a trap door by some kind of woman i was so close

Mon Feb 1 17:56:49 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
my biggest mistake was always going along the corridor, without stopping in any room. next time i play this, i will search around for a weapon

Mon Feb 1 22:40:35 2016

i have killed the guy several times now and i still end up dying everytime. i dont know which path to choose so to kill him and make it out alive. (help)

Mon Feb 1 23:22:05 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
so glad.

great story, thank you for this!

Sun Feb 7 23:09:32 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Interesting tribute to House of Hell.

Pravemi was not written as a baddie with a chilling demeanour like the Earl of Drumer was, but then he had different motivations.

I wonder if there is a way of completing it without sacrificing the player character. Oh well, maybe someday I will find out.

Fri Feb 19 19:42:14 2016
@ Jon - It's no spoiler to say that yes, the game can be completed without the player character needing to die.

Antony B
Fri Mar 18 11:10:44 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
OH god, a seven foot giant just took me out with one hit! note to self... do not be the hero...

Paul Mc
Mon Apr 25 13:42:05 2016
I enjoyed the book, played it a few times after completing it as I like some of the other passageways.
Was wondering though if the author could email me a map of the house.

Tue Apr 26 00:38:04 2016
@ Paul Mc

Hello Paul,

Glad you enjoyed the adventure. I wrote it years ago, and although I did draw a map at one time, I'm afraid it's long gone. But having played through it a few times, you could easily run through it and construct a map as you go.

Paul Mc
Fri May 6 11:19:37 2016
Worth a try.
I really enjoyed the book, the writing was brilliant and the house was a great house. I do however have one major criticism...
The true path is far to linear and on many occasions impossible to get back onto if you deviate. Which while making the book difficult and having a true path is all well and good, I really resent the fact that in order to succeed you have to miss out on some of the really good bits of the house.
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3 (The one that upsets me most)

Fri May 6 19:42:49 2016
@ Paul Mc

Hello Paul,

Everything you say is true. There are many paths, characters and encounters in the house that you'll miss on if you stick to the true path. All I can say is that, when I wrote the book, I modeled it after Steve Jackson's House of Hell. The same issues that you were unhappy with in my story are present in his. However, I think it's a matter of taste, because in any gamebook that I read, I enjoy it when there are many interesting encounters off of the true path, for a few reasons:

1) It makes the story well rounded. I think it would be cheating the reader to only put interesting things on the true path and treat the rest of the story as filler.

2) In a gamebook as difficult as House of Hell / Horror, the reader will usually need many attempts to find the true path, therefore, he or she will end up reading through most of off the false paths anyway.

3) Replayability / Immersion. This kind of adds to point number one. One of the things that I enjoyed so much about the original House of Hell is the sense of a real history and storyline behind the book. Sticking to the true, narrow path will enable someone to complete the adventure, but exploring all of the paths leads to a fuller understanding of the stories-behind-the-story. If you actually lived through House of Hell, wouldn't you wonder, as the house went up in flames, about all of the other people who were in the house? About the things you might have found behind other doors? Steve Jackson gives us the opportunity to find out as readers. I tried to flesh out my story in the same way. To me, personally, I feel that I've done a good job as an author when readers tell me that they went back and re-read the other paths, even after completing the adventure successfully, just to see what else was in the house.

Paul Mc
Tue May 10 16:56:37 2016
It was well written, I really enjoyed the book. I would have liked more options/ways to go back to the right path even if u went on little adventures.

Sat Jul 16 17:44:50 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
the password memnoch doesnt fucking work

mog the evil
Tue Sep 13 15:11:09 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Have not played one of these in years.I shall return to the house of horror

Mon Dec 5 01:46:38 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
i don't get it.

stealing latinos
Mon Dec 5 02:35:07 2016
what the cuckoldry of trump voters? the iron key 66 doesn't work on the locked door!@

Sun Dec 11 16:19:10 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Great game.

Mon Feb 6 09:01:02 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Hi guys,

We liked the game but we thing there must come some more colors, because first we weren't interesting. Because of the empty pages with only words. So, please, give this site some color.

Greatings: Jaimy

Wed Feb 8 15:57:44 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

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