House Of Horror |
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Ika Tempura Thu Mar 26 02:16:59 2009 |
Thanks Gaetano! It's going to be a beautiful day.... |
Gingerella Sat Mar 28 18:57:21 2009 |
Question about The House of Horror:
Gaetano Sun Mar 29 00:01:13 2009 |
Gingerella, regarding House of Horror-
Let me know if you need more specific hints or email me for an entire walkthrough. |
asgardian Fri Jul 10 04:00:30 2009 |
Solution to HOUSE OF HORROR - text version - for new readers:
asgardian Sun Jul 12 02:37:10 2009 |
That last entry was meant to be in a Spoiler box, and for some reason it didn't happen. Apologies. I suppose at a glance a few rows of numbers won't give too much away. |
There you go. |
Snipe Fri Oct 9 02:24:48 2009 |
Gaetano Sat Oct 10 21:42:47 2009 |
Snipe- are you perhaps referring to House of Horror? I don't remember a pendant in House of Hell. At any rate-
If you need a complete walkthrough, send me an email. |
C-star Sat Apr 3 13:31:19 2010 |
Can anybody help me on house of horror?
Gaetano Sat Apr 3 22:28:11 2010 |
C-star Sun Apr 4 12:20:38 2010 |
Thank you so much Gaetano!I finally completed house of horror and got the good ending.
Gaetano Sun Apr 4 20:29:28 2010 |
Glad you enjoyed it. |
Zefiris Sun Aug 1 18:02:43 2010 |
Just wanna say this is a great site, loved House of Horror! That could easily stand alongside any of the original Fighting Fantasy series and not look out of place. Great site! |
Gaetano Mon Aug 2 17:44:10 2010 |
Zefiris, that's the best complement a writer could get. Glad you enjoyed it. |
Clive55 Sat Aug 7 16:05:44 2010 |
Have to agree with Zefiris.. House of Horror was a joy to read. It really took me back to the time I read House of Hades (the American title, at the time, and I believe the last FF book I ever bought) and how thrilled I was that a FF story could take place in a conventional setting and still capture your imagination. |
Hedi Mon Jul 25 13:25:52 2011 |
Does anyone know where can I buy the book format of `House of Horror` by Gaetano Abbondanza in the UK? |
Gaetano Mon Jul 25 23:00:19 2011 |
Hello Hedi, the story is not available in published form, however, you can get a written version for free by clicking on the 'downloads' section of this website (it comes in Microsoft Word). |
Heidi Tue Jul 26 17:52:22 2011 |
Thank you, Gaetano. That is a shame. Then I download it. I love the story. |
Robert Douglas Wed Aug 3 20:51:18 2011 |
Hi Gaetano, Made a foray into 'House of Horror' - I just couldn't resist that chess set! Oh well, never mind. I'll have another go later :-) By the way, where did you get those room names from? Are they real words or the product of your imagination? One annoying thing: I couldn't send you a message via email; so much to discuss...but couldn't very well reveal spoilers on here. Anyway, like you, I wanted to make a tribute to Steve Jackson's 'House of Hell' - and between us we've made a trilogy! Although, there's 'Christmas in Hell' by Jack Henseleit on the FF site run by Dave Holt. Do the two sites work in tandem? It's a bit frustrating deciding which one I should contribute to! Will both gamebook lists be merged eventually? May your Stamina never fail. |
Gaetano Thu Aug 4 00:51:46 2011 |
Hi Robert, I usually have no problem getting emails from people regarding the book. Are you sure you're sending it to I can send you a test email if you'd like to give my your address. The room names are basically Italian words for real things, for example
This site, to my knowlege, has no link to Dave Holt's site. I've not heard of Christmas in Hell. I am interested in hearing about your own adventure, though. Have you posted it anywhere? |
Robert Douglas Thu Aug 4 11:50:18 2011 |
Hi Gaetano, Thanks for the reply. Yes, my e-mail is Bit long-winded, but I wanted something that wasn't already chosen :-)! Also, thanks for answering my question regarding the words you used. Very clever these anti-spoiler blocks - I highlighted the area. If you google: 'Official Fighting Fantasy Website', then scroll down to Amateur Section, you'll find there 'Below Zero Point' and 'The Curse of Drumer' - or 'Robert Douglas and Fighting Fantasy' which will provide a direct link to what I've done; 'Titannica' has some info on my writing. You can find Dave Holt's name listed on-site here: 'home' section, 'artwork' contributors - although, I'm not sure if it's actually him, or somebody with the same name! Remember how we all got confused with there being TWO Steve Jacksons involved in gaming? One invented GURPS (US) the other responsible for 'House of Hell', etc (UK). Hope you find it okay :-) |
Dave Holt has an artwork credit because according to Andrew Wright he made the map that accompanies Midnight Deep. |
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