Riders Of The Storm


Walker Long
Tue Aug 13 14:13:19 2013
To Phil, Thank you. You are a wonderful writer! What a great game and the game is also very tough. Thank you.

Phil Sadler
Tue Aug 13 15:11:21 2013
Thank you very much! I don't believe I finally got a compliment :)

Tue Aug 13 20:29:41 2013
We forgot to compliment you? Oh my Loki!

Walker Long
Thu Aug 15 12:23:26 2013
To Phil, you really deserve a load of compliments. So does Ulysses I. You both are very creative, clever and very hard workers. So, to both of you. THANKS!! Now, as I am blind I wondered if any of you have any ideas or suggestions on how I can map or remember the correct paths as I die so much. I got very far in "Riders," and found I missed some very important items. So, back to the start. How do any of you with my problem keep track of the true path? Any help would sure save me weeks of time!
Thanks, Walker

Phil Sadler
Thu Aug 15 13:23:56 2013

In the download section, at the bottom, are maps for ROTS.

Thu Aug 15 15:48:13 2013
He's blind. How would he read them?

And are they better than the Hellfire maps? Because the Hellfire maps were very difficult to read. For me anyway.

Phil Sadler
Fri Aug 16 12:03:56 2013
Sorry Walter, I read your message to quickly and made a mistake. I'm afraid I don't know of anywhere to get different maps for the books.

Walker Long
Thu Aug 22 17:27:48 2013
To Phil, My friend, I can not find the flute or small knife. I have been through to the Earth E. 3 times and just can't find them. Any help would be really appreciated.

Walker (the baffled)

Phil Sadler
Fri Aug 23 14:51:30 2013
The flute:


The small knife:


Walker Long
Mon Aug 26 11:32:11 2013
To Phil! I would have never got that. "You know you are my friend!

Phil Sadler
Mon Aug 26 15:40:41 2013
Glad to have helped!

Walker Long
Wed Aug 28 15:43:08 2013
Hi Phil, I got the knife but can't seem to find the dead end rivene. what is it around?
Thanks, Walker

Phil Sadler
Thu Aug 29 04:27:11 2013


Walker Long
Thu Aug 29 17:17:10 2013
Phil, I do the mushrrom guy and the wild thing but after these I have tried all and keep ending up at the fire elemental? What am I doing wrong? I have done this about 5 times!

W. L.

Walker Long
Thu Oct 3 11:12:40 2013
Hi Folks, well I am still on "Riderson the Storm" and I have been through and made it all the way to the earth elemental. However, I still can't find the musical instrument I was told that I need. I have been past the mushroom man about 100 times and gone every way and cant find the ravinearea where I need Trini to ...

I am going nuts! Any help would save my mind!

Sun Oct 13 22:13:01 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
shame i won lol
The icon says otherwise.

Wed Jan 1 04:48:35 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
This is fun.

Sun Jan 5 07:19:55 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Well i killed your fire friend

Sat Jan 18 17:26:33 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Now this was a godly adventure, definately superior too the game "Hellfire", at least in my opinion.

Here comes the review:

I played the online version, died 15 times (exactly like my Hellfire experience), but this time, unlike in Hellfire, I actually learned a lot of stuff from thoses deaths, like:


Again, after those 15 deaths, I went straight too the book version, but made sure I would use dices too get my initicial stats and not the OP 13-28-14 status I had in the dice.

Took me 25 tries in the book version and the best I did was getting


Soo I had too forced +4 tries, all of this last tries using my "hax OP" status from hellfire (13 skill, 28 stamina and 14 luck) too finally been able too beat the game.

Again, and in the same way I have write about Hellfire, the fact that you had random NEEDED variables to do in the begin of the game like


made it almost impossible for one too find out the right way too get past the book in the online version, making the book version much more enjoyable. Soo here, I guess you would get a negative point for that, makes it way hard.

Now, the fights: definately DEFINATELY better than your Hellfire counterpart for this adventure, the fact the battles had a lot of diferent variables from the "roll dice, pray" made this a beatifull feature in the book.

About trinitour calls...


You should probably had made made 2nd and 3rd use of trinitour a little more obvious. The first call was just perfect (after all I find it in the online version, during my first 15 tries).
Also, you did the right call too make more "checkpoints" kind of spots during the game, places where you NEEDED certain items or you would die (or barely die)


making this a MUCH MUCH better choose than what you had in Hellfire, when you would walk too last boss and miss a shatload of knowledge about the last items needed too fight him. Kudos for that!

The ideia that you had too kill


The last final figth, against the all migthy powerfull big boss of both games, made it a very nice and fitting end.

Soo in the end, this adventure may had making me die more times than Hellfire, but they weren't as frustating as in Hellfire.

In the end, a very good adventure, makes for a perfect end of the 2 book series, superior (in my opinion) than Hellfire and the best fighting fantasy game I ever played! (superior too House of Hell real life book, my favorite of the entire colection)

Good work :)
Thanks once again for the review, I'm glad that you enjoyed Riders Of The Storm. Sorry to remove the link that you posted, but for various reasons I really don't want to encourage this sort of thing.

Since you are a fan of House Of Hell, why not try House Of Horror and The Curse Of Drumer next?

Sat Jan 25 01:55:30 2014
Sorry for the double post, but you should take a look at the online version...

The absolute last paragraph

Aren't working at the moment, basically you cannot end the online version of this game, you stay in a loop.
I believe this is not a bug, but a consequence of modifying the URL directly.

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