Artwork © Adrian Kleinbergen |
The dreadnought's engines cut out. Not again... you groan in dismay.
What have we stopped for this
time? The constant sway of the armoured vehicle traversing pot-holed
terrain had sent you into a
blissful doze. Then, a sudden rap at the cabin door. "Yes," you
growl, "what is it?"
"Sorry to disturb you, sir. But we've picked up a distress call
on the radio. You asked to be informed
as soon as we'd found something..."
"Yes, yes, so I did. Thanks, Eddie. I'll be out momentarily."
You sigh heavily. Already, you regret giving such an order. God's
teeth - this had better not be a
Shadow-prank like last time... barely an hour ago three men were
lost in an ambush. Good men. Left
behind for that sadistic Thuggee necromancer to resurrect. We
can't even bury our dead nowadays! Dark
humour apart, it's still a troubling thought: Kali's minions must
know about that musician... curse his
eyes! And just what was he thinking? Going for a stroll in Shadow-infested
countryside? Is he just another
blues artist with a suicide complex? Now, here we are on a joyride,
demons toying with us. Ah well! Just
another day in Hell...