Guillaume Rouillé |
It is a time of turmoil in the holy city. Judea groans under the rule of the Roman Empire, its
king, Herod Agrippa II, nothing more than a puppet for the Roman governor. Some demand
action against the Romans, others believe it a mistake to antagonise their masters. And there is
turmoil between the different Jewish sects and with the new religion that has grown recently,
spreading throughout the Roman World and threatening the Jewish faith: Christianity. This
new faith undermines the authority of the Temple and invites Gentiles into matters meant only
for the Jews.
Jerusalem is at a critical point in history. But its future has yet to be decided ...
At this time, there are three dominant Jewish sects in Jerusalem: the Sadducees, the Pharisees
and the Zealots. YOU are an ardent follower of one of these sects. But which one? You must
decide which sect you belong to for this adventure. Each has its own beliefs, policies and
The Sadducees
The Sadducees are the dominant force in the Jewish Temple and its council, the Sanhedrin. They
believe only what is written in the Torah and have no time for oral tradition. As members of the
Jewish ruling class, they believe maintaining good relations with the Romans is the key to
keeping power and authority. Their arrogant air and closeness to the Roman overlords means
they are not very popular with most of the other Jews.
Advantage: If you choose to play as a Sadducee, you begin the adventure with 10 extra sestertii.
The Pharisees
The most popular of the Jewish sects and a rising power in the Sanhedrin, the Pharisees believe
in the Torah, but also see the value of oral teachings and are even open to some outside
influences such as the thoughts of the Greek philosophers. They are however no friends to the
Romans, though they do not actively oppose them.
Advantage: If you choose to play as a Pharisee, you may add 1 point to your starting CHARISMA
The Zealots
Like the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the Zealots believe the Jews are a chosen people.
However, they do not believe the Jews will achieve their destiny by letting themselves be
walked over by a foreign oppressor. The Zealots are militantly anti-Roman and will stop at
nothing to see Judea free.
Advantage: If you choose to play as a Zealot, you may add 1 point to your Initial SKILL.
In addition to the usual Fighting Fantasy attributes SKILL and STAMINA, there are
three more attributes that determine your capabilities. These are as follows:
CHARISMA: A measure of how well liked you are and how convincing your speech.
DEXTERITY: Indicating your accuracy, keenness of eyesight, etc.
LORE: A measure of how well versed you are with both Jewish scriptures and that of the