Return To G15-275


Fri Dec 13 10:57:44 2013

By now, everyone has had a fair chance to play the online version without being tempted by the existence of the original text. So today I've added Return To G15-275 to the downloads page.

Johnny G
Tue Jan 7 13:30:40 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Hey all, my first time in the Guestbook.

I'm a massive fan of the series - working my way through getting twelve completions (all three endings, each both with and without the
and the

I have a couple of nit picks though. Firstly, the blaster says it deals ten damage but actually appears to deal 12.
Secondly, there appears to be a flaw in getting the virus from the IT researcher whereby she will always fill out the authorisation form the second time you approach her without having any 'could you make me a virus' conversation.

Keep up the good work :-)
Thanks, and welcome. I've now fixed the two bugs you mention, I think.

Johnny G
Wed Jan 8 13:28:32 2014
Thanks Mod :-)

Sun Feb 2 22:28:33 2014
Hi Ulysses!

Great game, as always!

I'm stuck:


Can you please tell me what I need to open it, and where that might be located?


Mon Feb 3 23:13:10 2014

Sure. All you need to know is that in the same location; drinking water makes your butt extraordinarily sensitive.

Wed Aug 27 21:50:33 2014
I downloaded the file with the full text of this adventure, but I can't open it. The program says that the file is corrupted.
I tried downloading it more than once, but I had every time the same results...

Thu Aug 28 00:39:18 2014
Works fine for me with Word.

Sat Aug 30 12:38:26 2014
Now it works... maybe it was something due to the connection...

Sun Sep 28 21:24:48 2014
Hi Ulysses, is the final chapter of the saga progressing? :-)

Mon Sep 29 09:27:46 2014

Not really. I won't be doing any gamebook writing for the remainder of the year due to some important commitments.
Even when I do resume, I'll be prioritising my Bird Islands gamebook first.

However, I haven't forgotten my favourite series and there will be some surprises in store. If you would like a very vague prediction, you can probably expect something more in the WWGB Saga around the middle of 2015.

Mon Sep 29 18:51:18 2014
Don't worry: gamebook fans are very patient by definition.
But they don't forget! ;-)

Mr mondo
Wed Mar 18 19:26:09 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Help keep getting killed

Thu Sep 3 20:14:29 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
eaten by a carnivorous plant on a dull planetoid... ;-)

Wed Oct 19 21:23:36 2016
Not to rush you, but in a blink it will be the end of 2016 and... :)

Thu Mar 9 14:59:59 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
dont buy the fake beard it will kill you

Mon Jul 3 10:30:30 2017
dman junkies

Thu Dec 7 23:51:31 2017
Star - optimum ending reached

That was an intense, immersive adventure. Loved it. Kept me occupied for several days!

P.S. I enjoy that even if you play this adventure as a stand-alone and have average stats, it's still very do-able.

Wed May 23 08:28:46 2018
Star - optimum ending reached

that was extreme, awesome and huge! loved it, even the hours of frustration and annoyance!

Brill series...... when is the next one :(
It's a while ago, but this is still the most recent statement of the author's intentions.

Fri Jun 1 12:29:24 2018

I do still work on this series infrequently.
The next installment isn't very lengthy, but it is quite technically complex as it involves alternative dimensions with the ability to switch between them, so keeping everything making sense is taking some careful writing.

The next installment is the penultimate episode, but I have also planned out and written a great deal of the final episode since I began that before I decided there needed to be another episode after Return to G15-275 and before the final adventure.

There is also a secret 10th episode that I have started - but that is a secret so don't read this sentence.

I mention these two upcoming installments to make the point that I would like to finish off the series and haven't given up on it yet.

I should have some time to spare for writing gamebooks after June, but I've made promises before and proven to be a big fat liar.

Mon Sep 10 16:40:13 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I died to random junkies for no reason. This "book" was lame.

Tue Jan 8 21:41:19 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I'm stuck! May I get a few hints?



Wed Mar 20 11:25:00 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
carnivorous plant ate me :(

Sun Mar 22 04:13:33 2020
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Sun Sep 27 18:09:49 2020

hoping that you are still reading these comments, have you, by any chance, given up on this series or do you have any updates, please?

Wed Oct 7 02:14:59 2020

I wouldn't say I have given up on this series, but writing gamebooks hasn't been a priority for me for a few years now.
I have written significant portions of Episoides 8 and 9 (DON'T READ -and the secret 10th episiode -RESUME READING), so I would like to come back and finish them off.

To give you an idea of what the last two Episodes would entail:

Episode 8: The Platypus of Fate - Epsioide 7 had three possible endings, which I subsequently regretted creatign when I started to write the final episode. So I inserted this penultimate Episode for the sole purpose of weaving the three potential storylines back into a single storylines. As such it is an interdimensional adventure when you must make you way through the lives of your alternative selves to defeat an antiques dealer who cares more about collecting rare objects than he does about being a pleasant person that people enjoy being around.

Episode 9: Voyage of the Profiteer - This was envisaged as a massive adventure requiring you to to go and collect the most valuable thing you have encountered in all your adventures so you can buy into Pomplompotom's family, and finally win her fin in marriage. Or doesn't have to be a fin. She's a shape-shifter so it can be any appendage! Even a fin... Anyway, you can visit the former locations of the series to obtain the most-valuable thing, if you - the reader- think that's where it is. Meanwhile, other suitors are trying to increase their chances by killing you.

Still sounds fun to me. I will look at it again when I get some free time.

Mon Oct 19 17:55:22 2020

Many thanks for your reply. I forgot to say explicitly that I deeply enjoy your style and stories.

I hope one day you'll be able to complete the saga, at last. Thanks for all the hard work put into the episodes so far.

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